Cameras Lister

Hey I used your version of Camera Lister and found a quirk with the target operator. It appends a poly mesh with the shape of a target and there’s 2 problems with that.
It just happened to me that I animated the target (that the camera is tracking to) and rendered with cycles with ‘Persistent Data’ on. This renders super fast only if there is not geometry transformation. And moving around the Camera Target made of poly lines counts as that and renders slow. I would suggest changing that operator to create a simple Empty, works perfectly like this.
The other problem is that if I move the animated poly Target to a disabled collection it won’t being animated anymore. The constraint stops evaluating it. It’s the first time this happened since I always use Emptys for Tracking and Focus targets.

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Hi Felpe

Tks for the feedback, to be honest it is the first addon i’ve made based on Ryyx’s one.
The target is a mesh witout faces so it shouldn’t be rendered. Did you try to unhide from render in the ouliner?

Hello! I did some testing on this and it seems like a blender bug in general. The mesh target is fine in the end. What makes everything weird is the copy rotation constraint in the target object, in whatever type of object it is. So blender gets confused with 2 objects with track to constraint and copy rotation targeting each other. The problem is gone if you do this with Geo nodes. :grinning: