cartoon scene


When I have the time, I take the time to create a cartoon scene, between two scenes of my game :smiley:

So a little cartoon scene (not finished, because, it’s a WIP :wink:
Blender internal

Very nice scene. I really like your style. I was also checking your other stuff. Great things i´ve seen… but I don´t like a webpresence solely in french :frowning: no english button. on none of your sites. C´mon do the french still hate the english that much? :smiley:

wow…very cartoony…i like it!!!

no crits

are the reflections on the windows textures? or are they really reflections?


thank you for your comments :smiley:

oh no, I really like the English ;), but I’m so bad in English. So I hope I could have the time to create an English version soon as possible :D.
I’m sorry to not have an english version for my site.

Lilgrudgeboy : it’s a real reflection, not a texture image :wink:

Cool thats exactly how I do cartoon trees haha. :smiley:

WOW thats crazy good then =P

Nice style. I look forward to seeing some characters in there.

-Awesome work I like the overall appearance, the leafs how did you get them looking like that? they have this fuzzy effect, RAMPS?

I just dig your style. I’d love to see some sort of tutorial, presentation video of your modeling and texturing process. Along the lines of CreatureFactory.

Could you show a untextured version and a wireframe?

Very nice inspiring scene. Great way to go. How much time it took to render one frame? just for query?

Thank you very much for your comments :slight_smile:

Here is probably one of the next character (Artie) :

For the tutorials, I’m sorry, because I don’t have the time for the moment ;).
But, for the wireframe and untextured :

It took about 13 minutes (with AO 4 samples and spot buffer shadows), on a 2.21 Ghz/ 2Go ram.

Yes, The shader for leaf has some ramps ;).

So, some changes (roof, door, windows…) :

Thank you
bye :slight_smile:

Very, very nice! The only problem is that you can see the shingles on the roof through the windows, but you’re probably already working on that.

Looks great! I think I like the old door better, it gives the whole scene a different feel. But the new one’s nice, and I love the character! I cannot wait to see him! This piece is very inspiring.

yes, I have to work on that :wink:

the beginning of the character. It’s not like the model sheet, so I have to work on it again :

it’s not finished at all ;), and I have to work on the house again.

Thank you for reading.

Way to go mate! You are one of the best I’ve seen at making cartoonish scenes, loots brilliant - no critics. 1 question though, how long did it take you to make this scene? Cant wait for updates.:wink:

I have made this scene in 6 hours for the background (house, trees…) and 5 hours for the character (not finished)

I have made a test to intégrated the character with the background.

Thank for reading
bye :slight_smile:

Another view and some changes (lighting changes too) :

The shoes aren’t finished, and the texture in the metal “dustbin”.

Thank you for reading :slight_smile:

That looks very very very very very nice so far :smiley: The heavy metal door intrigues me.

Maybe the little guy has a belly that’s too big/too long. Or maybe his jeans are too thick, I don’t know, but it gives me the impression that he’s wearing a diaper. :wink:

Beautiful scene, your style is absolutely nice-looking as I could see in your thread about your characters. The shader you used for the foliage of the tree is superb!
Is your scene post processed in the compositor?

I love this… this is great… I’m not good at all with blender… I have a hard time making a cube :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to see it done, I love the style… this is something I hope to achieve, either via blender any other app for that matter… it’s great

Good Job!!