cartoony alien

Great work! I love the little guy, he’s so cute, but then he also looks fairly dangerous. Can’t wait to see him animated! I also like the blue skin better.

i’ve followed this thread from the beginning,and i must say that the little alien,is someone i would love to see in a long animated film,and i would be stunned if i see him in a game,where u shoot humans,or save humans nevermind i would love to see him in a game no matter the story.the model is great,and i love all the little details,i started a little alien project,but two days after,when i saw this model,i started hating ward for ruining my dreams(hehe,just kiding).the alien is so cute and fascinating i would love to give him a name(:D).
take care,and keep working on this guy.

i think i will keep the flesh tone, except maybe add some subtle veins and random patterns (really subtle on the patterns, similar to those on the alien heads from the old tv show “alien nation.”)

the references came from searching youtube for pictures of “real” aliens (i put that in quotes, not because i think they’re fake, but because most of them are :stuck_out_tongue: as david duchovny says: “i want to believe.”) i had decided the 3 fingers before i really started referencing, otherwise he’d have the 4-5 fingers like most of the ones in the videos.

@shadow: don’t hate the player, hate the game! :ba:

i sopose you are right,i look forward to seeing this little alien finished,and in a short animation(or long:D).

Wow looks awesome! To me it looks alot like a little child. I like it though.

i decided to keep the flesh tone, but i did go in and add some spots here and there. also, he’s going to be roughly 12 inches tall (maybe shorter), so that’ll also help keep from looking too humanish :slight_smile:

here’s a 360º view:


the vimeo isnt workin…says that its converting cuz of so many vids uploaded or what ever.ill watch the youtube on i guess…lol


i jsut watched the youtube on and it looks like there are to many spots on his back from the texture…compared to the front…idk it doesnt looks bad and not the noticeable… just saying

keep it up

Looks good ward. I think that the spots are too much. Maybe a couple here and there but maybe not too many you know. And the 12 inches thing might help it get away form the human look. Just need a reference object to tell the size :). Can’t wait to see more!

maybe it was just me

nah, you’re not going crazy. after i uploaded it, it said i had like, 60 minutes before it would be live. i went ahead and posted the link, sounds like you hit it before that 60 minutes was over :eyebrowlift2:

i was talking about the spots on his back lol.


but yeah i really like vimeo…to bad i dont have any videos to post there lol

how did i miss this thread! the alien looks fantastic, i tihnk you really got the stylised feel just right, personalyl i do prefer the more obscure skin colours you were playing with, i tihnk the pink skin colour makes look a bit to human, but as i said, great stuff.


Looking really good! Nice modeling and character design.

However, there is way too much SSS! It’s disturbing - it’s beyond waxy - and the alien lacks more texture.
A much more subtle SSS effect would be better. Try having a look at the latest pages of this thread:

^Something like that on your alien, maybe a little softer (since it’s smaller and more cartoony) would be rockin’! :slight_smile:
Maqs posted his blend file. Take a look at that. It’s great!

Keep up the good work!

wow, that’s a lot of nodes in that file :spin: thanks for the heads up, but i think i’ll just stick with the basic materials buttons. i dropped down the SSS a bit, and removed the spots. also changed the eyes; i found that the eyelids were showing up a little through the lenses. so i just put in some reflective black orbs, i think it works okay. what do you guys think?

a new 360º view

That looks awesome man! The texture is top notch. Are you planning on animating this character?

oh yeah. i’m not sure WHAT, exactly, but he will be moving around doing something :slight_smile:

split the diff on the skin color – warm & fleshy in the highlights and raised areas, cool and alien-bluish in the shadows and recesses, with a sprinkling of magenta-ish freckles.

or not :wink:

in any case, cool model goin’ here, looks like lots of personality possiblities.

You know what… bring both textures into your image editor and add the blue as a overlay on the regular skin tone, and set opacity at 50%. It’ll probably look good =D

Hah, I love that guy. Although I would change his skin tone slightly to something not human. He looks so great though, can’t wait for this guy’s poses!

This guy is really cool and he will look fantastic once he is animated.

Keep it up!!!