Blenderrendersk - Thanks! Short of ideas? Keep it simple. Stories don’t need to be complex to be great. Same goes with games. My set I see working in a stealth game really well. Get into castle, get item, get out. Don’t get noticed etc. Or an assassination? Most Blender games with their micro dev teams need to be small anyway. 1 or 2 maps / missions.
Kalinaki - I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve seen your work to be inspired by it. Maybe under a different name? I’m heavily influenced by lots of game art, so if you’ve been involved in a nice looking medieval game, then yea, I probably was inspired.
So…cg textures. The stone is from cgtextures, everything else is mine. Wood, rusty iron etc. I tend to make my own photo based textures. There are a few ways to approach texturing - sculpt or photo based. With this set, and this is really important, I wanted to be able to sell it, and have people apply different textures etc. 10 games could be made with these sets, and look different, because the textures have changed. I’ve tried to provide really basic parts, that presumably will be made unique by the end user. Sculpting and baking locks in a texture, because you are making is completely linked to the texture. I love a good sculpted game asset. They look better than photo based assets. But they are forever linked to the texture. I can’t sell stuff that can’t be made unique. I encourage people to add edge loops, change up the textures etc, to make the set pieces uniquely theirs. Hope that helps. Know your end user.
The parts in the various sets are intended to be used in the GE. A few people are currently or have plans to use them in Blender games. It is a work in progress, and is related to the game engine, and I hope to have some in game screens soon. As it is, most of the images in this thread are rendered in the GE.
These are real-time assets, with custom material shaders to further make it unique. Artworks usually have the option to simulate such effects without the need of making such shaders, as in cycles.
Ok everyone, as a Moderator, I’m saying it’s ok here. Any other mods disagree? Move it. Otherwise, enough with the micro-managing of the forum. And at any rate, I’ve given away a great deal of real time models over the years, even a few copies of this set. I’ve contributed to many games, and I’ve always been very generous with people who have helped me.
So, in summary, if you aren’t a mod, I don’t want to hear any more about the placement. At the end of the day, placement is all about people being able to locate what they want in a given forum. I’ll say it one more time: this is a set of products specifically designed to be used in games. It is a work in progress, as I’ll be adding to it. I’m not some brand new to the forum scumbag looking to make a quick dollar. I’ve been active on and off for years, and have 4000 + posts. I was asked to be a moderator a few years back because I have a good reputation.
So: comments, critiques, crits? Please. Questions about technique? Yes please. Similar projects? Yes. Discussion? Yes! Judgments about where exactly this thread lives by non-mods? PM me instead. I’ll remove any more posts not related to this thread myself.
A few more images of round towers. Smashed, crushed and devoured by work, so I’m incredibly slow to publish stuff.
The first image shows the top of a tower with an attached stair tower. The next 2 images show a tower with internal stone steps. There’s a wooden railing on the top (safety first in my castle). You can get rid of it if you don’t care about the well-being of your guards. But when a sleepy guard on night patrol falls down the stairs and breaks his duodenum, don’t blame me.
Top of the internal steps tower followed by a view of how the steps work with window blocks and wall access. There are 5 floors, including the top of the tower (but you may make as many as you like. Wall access is on floor 3, so you’ve got 2 floors above the wall to defend if enemies breach the wall. Figuring out how to get all of these round modular pieces to work together was demanding. I’d get something working nicely, but then I’d encounter a conflict. I had to make a round tower to straight wall attachment block, as these blocks make fully internal and external structures. You can add windows, doors or arrow loops at any place, every 45 degrees, as shown in the bottom image, and things will line up.
-Extrude 2 circles: Outer radius of steps is the same as the inner radius, inner radius = reduce the radius by however wide you want your steps.
Figure out what heigt you need to cover, the divide it evenly making sure your steps are in the 7" - 8" tall range.
-Extrude up that amount of times. Or you could extrude the circles all the way up (9’ in this case), then make loops cuts.
-However you do it, you want to end up with a tube with several divisions.
-Erase what isn’t a step. You can get rid of 3/4 of the tube easily (my steps are 1/4 circles, so they line up properly with the doors.
This is a confusing explanation. I guess I need to make a tutorial. In the end, it is really about math, not so much modeling skill. It is a really simple form as 3d models go. You just need to figure the math and how all of the pieces will line up. I’ll publish some photos of just the steps as they wind up. In the middle of something at the moment. Thanks for your interest.
One more creates a full circle, 36’ tall (9’) each. This is all just figuring out how to make them connect. With the rotation point being the center of your tower, shift-D Z 9, then r z -90. It will line up exactly, and work with doors and windows. The cutout was the major issue, but I liked it as a hiding spot. I designed this set to be used in games, and I thought that someone might run into that tower, expose their back to someone hiding in the alcove, and “He felt a sharp pain in his back…then everything went black”.
Post how it works out for you. Just imagine a tube with a grid. The steps are just the parts of the grid you don’t need. The human dimensions are the toughest part - getting everything to work, and be at the correct size for an average human. I have a little t-pose character I use to make 100% sure everything works.
I’d love to do something like that, let’s say something like Castlevania games combined with Rastan Saga (an old coin op game with fantastic art direction for its time!), I think the looks of the scenery that the set produces are ideal for such a kind of game with their deep, dark feel, as they are ideal as well in my opinion for an HD remake of another huge love of me, Quest for the Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness, an adventure/RPG hybrid from the legendary Sierra on Line that has an unmatchable,imposing atmosphere!
Of course BPR a Castlevania type of game could be made also with 3d characters, like, if you have played it, the Castlevania: Dracula X remake for PSP which is fantastic too! Anyway, 3dmedieval, you have my admiration, keep up with this great work!