Challenge #1044 "moths" (23/06/23) Entries CLOSED

Theme #1044 for Friday 23th of June 2023 is:


Entry closes on Monday, 22:30 GMT (Mon, Jun 26, 2023 10:30 PM)

How do I post my entry? Here is an Example: (click to open)

Title: Moths add realism to anything


Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.

“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week and will be featured in the Feature Row.”

For details please check out the: CHALLENGE RULES

Btw.: Comments are welcome in both threads (entries/voting). Have fun! :slight_smile:


…the most realistic challenge yet :wink:

Want to create a hyper-realistic moth? Just add another moth to the scene. :wink:


Very special topic, I guess the fact that moths blend into the background makes it a pun. As long as the background is the bark of some tree.


Open, the HDRI and tree branch are from Polyhaven


Statues, open entry :
(edited angle of camera)

Head sculpted in Zbrush, buildings made before, moths are made with a plugin !


Stylized Backlit Luna Moth

Pure entry.

Luna Moth ← full image

This is my first fully hand modeled scene in Blender … what better way to force myself to go through the program than to come up with something for this challenge. :slight_smile: More info, including clay/wire renders, on my sketchbook here.

Since this is my first time entering a challenge, please don’t hesitate to let me know if I incorrectly submitted. Thank you! :slight_smile:


Don’t worry, there’s nothing you could have done better. :+1:

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That are my thoughts, too! I use the challenge as Inspiration for some light WE blendering, and to get experiment with new features of blender.


Moth light

Cycles with compositing.


Blending In

Pure entry, made in blender 3.5 cycles.


I’m not sure if this is a Weremoth or a Mothman. Either way it’s probably best not to quiz this fella about his genealogy and just skedaddle instead.

Open entry as I used lots of old stuff and paid for plug-ins.


New entry
Drinking moth, open entry (I used Zbrush to sculpt and color model)



Open, Blender 3.5, Cycles

Open reason: I reused the Suzanne clouds from ‘Sky Kitty’ with minor modifications.


The Moth

non competing, Cycles, Blender 3.5.1


The Moth could easily be a character from the watchmen world. I’d be curious for the reasoning behind his costume.

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It has wings and it flies

The aircraft is a 1925 de Havilland DH.60 named the “Moth”. I’m using “moth” in a different context.
Blender 3.5.1 Rendered in Cycles.


i cant wait to see what it becomes!

Title: Into the Flames. Edited: Messed with color correction in compositing.

Pure, Cycles. Everything was sculpted and textured within blender from scratch for this challenge, the dust and cinders are particles and the smoke is volumetric.


Indeed, that would probably be a fitting universe.

The original idea that popped into my mind was a lot more complex but I had to cut it down quite a bit in order to make it fit into the time frame. In addition, I lost quite some time as the English and German Wikipedia articles on moths and butterflies seem to be astonishingly contradictory.

Nevertheless, in both languages, butterflies have a strange etymological relationship to milk. In German, a butterfly is called “Schmetterling”, with " Schmetten" meaning “cream” in some areas of Germany, Austria and Silesia (Poland). Some even call the butterfly a “Milchdieb” (meaning “milk thief”).

Now, things get a little complicated: In German, the colloquial name of Butterflies which are active at night is “Motten”. Translated to English we are back at “Moths”.

And that is where my characters name and costume come from. He/She is a thief, specialized in stealing MILK - an extremely rare, liquid substance of high value. (Like the “Spice” in Dune or " Ketracel-white" in DS9). Originally, I planned to add some kind of scifi milk-can and a test tube shoulder belt. But in the end, the only milk reference that remained was the white color of the costume. :wink: