Challenge #785 (06/07/18) Entries CLOSED

Flat Earth World Cup
Pure Entry

Flat earthers will appreciate. On Flat Earth, the World Cup is flat, and we play Frisbee instead of Football :wink:


Nice entries so far everyone!

That was my first idea, but I chose something else. Nice work :slight_smile:

Just want to say hi!
I been hanging around this forum while tinkering with Blender for some time now. About time that I registered on the forum. I thought it would be nice to enter my first post in this category. These challenges really provide so much inspiration for a noob, with all kinds of entries around the theme. I can’t believe what you guys comes up with in just a few days.
So, thanks for the inspiration.

Russian Sky

pure entry, 1000 samples.

edit: much better, grass is supposed to be thin!


Hi and welcome to the WC’s (not world cup :wink: ) The more the merrier as far as I am concerned. Look forward to seeing more entries and hopefully soon one of your entries as well. Welcome to the wonderful world of Blender.

Thanks a lot @FlyingBanana! I’m trying to finish a render I’m working on for entry into the WIP section (scary thought). Maybe I even dare to try a WC entry down the road :wink:

Pure Entry 300 Samples All Procedural textures No hdri

“World Cup Setup”


Coincidentally, my first idea was a drink/beverage, the glass is based on the shape of the trophy. Wanna make a float but failed in making the ice cream texture… :laughing:

“Whirled Cups”

non-competing (pure), cycles (1000 samples)


I just loved how no one seems to like football and decided to misinterpret the theme :smiley:


World Cup

Here is my pure competing entry for this weekend challenge. Cycles render with 327 samples and denoiser on.
I have to call this one open because i reused the arm from Manuel Bastioni’s great plugin.


lol. Soccer was not very popular in west Texas in the late 60’s. I didn’t realize people actually watched the game until I lived in Germany.

I still have not seen a full soccer game. I had to look up what soccer terms are used for my entry.

2018 Gallup poll for favorite sports in the US: football 37%, basketball 11%, baseball 9%, soccer 7%. So it is gaining popularity.

Can’t wait for US football to start. Hopefully all the silliness has stopped and I can start watching again.

Glad to know that I’m not the only one who doesn’t like soccer that much :laughing:
Also, almost done with my entry, meanwhile here’s a screenshot


Here is my non-competing entry:


Please click / tap image for full resolution.

Pure Blender 2.79, Cycles, only procedural textures and hand-painted (in Blender) textures using procedurals.



“Soccer ball with interesting lighting”

Non-competing. No time this week.



For me, it’s more because of I’m not too comfortable in modelling complex scene or highly detailed real object (i.e. the trophy) esp. in short amount of time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Colors of the Countries

My competing and open entry. My god it took so long to do the flags, so many textures :joy: Almost everything done in blender from modelling and compositing but most textures were from online.
Awesome and creative entries so far everyone :smiley:


this is my pure entry
the time cup of the world

everything was made on blender rendered in cycle, composed on blender and a little bit adjustments on krita

the img isnt high rez enough, it took me really long time to just render this piece
ill try to upload WIP soon on artstation,
hope its good enough


World Domination

  • Developing some props for a game

But dedicated to those who don’t understand the difference between the command “thank god” and the personal statement of “thanks god” or “thankyou god”. Please don’t push your cult brainwashing onto others.