Challenge #823 Voting CLOSED

This week’s theme:


Which entry would you like to see win?
(If you cannot decide, pick up to 3.)
  • Millani
  • cgslav
  • skadoosh
  • MatthewK
  • purbosky
  • aristotelis
  • Olivitess
  • haloleute
  • 3dnotguru
  • bluberri
  • david.speer
  • Maelys031
  • gabrielg1976
  • FlyingBanana
  • fcharr
  • joshwinkler3d
  • Syler
  • fdo
  • putr_corps
  • Komojo
  • Meta_Ridley
  • Midnightcpu
0 voters

After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared: The voting will close on: Wed, Apr 3, 2019 11:00 PM.
The winner picks the theme for next week.

If the winner doesn’t supply a theme before Thursday 22:30 GMT, the organizer will select the theme. In this case, the winner’s theme will be used the next time we are lacking a theme on Thursday 22:30 GMT. :slight_smile:

Having selected the theme, the winner will not be eligible to enter that week. They may however still submit an image, but it won’t be included in the voting.

This week’s winner:

Pure Entries

Millani: Mounstains

cgslav: Sunset EEVEE mountains.

skadoosh: Power Up!

MatthewK: Light the signal fires!

purbosky: Volcanic

aristotelis: It’s a long way to the top when you’re a slug…

Olivitess: MountainCove

haloleute: Darkt Tech Mountain

3dnotguru: Hills

bluberri: Waking Mountains

david.speer: The Refuge

Maelys031: Moonlight Waterfall

gabrielg1976: planets_mountians

FlyingBanana: Sugar Mountain

fcharr: Green

joshwinkler3d: Molehill Mountain

Syler: RS_24_Render

fdo: Mountains

putr_corps: There are no gods, only war zone

Komojo: Escape to the Mountains

Open Entries

Meta_Ridley: 26168698_743580842498049_82926674579392334_n

(I created using Blender Render (Internal) Blender 2.49 around 2008, and a sky image of Google Images.)

Midnightcpu: rabbit season not duck season

(Blender for stitching, Blender custom lens flare, Color corrected in blender, Halo made in gimp, Canvas made in gimp, Oil painting gimp, Brightened in gimp, All trees are textures with my custom alpha nodes so I can change the colors, Grass is blender, Layered in blender sun, birds, mountains)

Non-competing Entries

OLG: Lost in a Mountain stream

Helge: Olympus


Photox: Desolation

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Great job @everyone ! Another awesome turnout of entries.

Good stuff all, of course @putr_corps has really set the bar pretty high. You should consider a tutorial on it.


So hard to choose this week! Good job everyone.

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I was looking at all the renders and I was like :grimacing: :flushed:
Good work everyone I’m might have to tighten my belt up a notch :grin:

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All of the them were awesome. So I voted three of the entries.

I wanted to vote for four actually :smile:


And… the winner of Weekend Challenge 823 with votes from 56.6% of the voters is… putr_corps!
Here’s to all the great participators…

There are no gods, only war zone


@putr_corps, congrats on the win. Great looking render.

Congrats to all the entrants. All the renders were pretty cool.

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Congrats to the node king errrr I mean @putr_corps great looking render. I’m just surprised I even got any votes when it was in the group with your entry. Awesome job!


Hi! Thanks all for your kind words and votes! :slight_smile:
This weekend I cant participate because I’ll be traveling, but I’ll check your entries in the shadows :blush:¨

Happy Blending!

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Congrats @putr_corps and safe travels.

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You know, I understand why this winner won, but I must say that Molehill Mountain just had me “ROTFLMAO” when I saw it. Now at last we know how that process works. :wink:


Thanks @sundialsvc4 glad you enjoyed it :slightly_smiling_face: