Challenge #844 (23/08/19) Entries CLOSED

The character is on the right side beside the red light dragging a sword the character is scaled at 7’ tall I didn’t look to see how big the blade was. :grin:

Your description makes my mind fly away into uncharted territory. Who built this thing and why, is it safe? I love it.

Holy crap! That gave me some shivers. I think you should highlight that character a little more, maybe place a gentle backlight on it to make its shape stand out.

I think I only used a back light once, it was in a blenderguru contest " another planet " some time ago.
I used back lighting with spot lamps to keep the light from over spilling onto everything else that’s what I would have to do and find the angle for the light that fits the scene

Heres the brightened version of my render.

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844th Vanguard Wing

Pure entry. Cycles 32 samples. Trying out D-NOISE add on, works better than the built-in denoiser for this case (cleaner image).


wow i really like this one

Oh i didnt mean to change the brightness of the image… I meant increase the lighting of the scene only a bit… and yeah your image is cool and intriguing :slightly_smiling_face:

Calm before the storm

cycles, 500 samples. modeled and textured with blender


That is very similar to what i was going to do, however as it turns out, I have absolutely no more time before the challenge is closed. Cannot even submit anything, either because of time.

Lol, ya I doubled the lighting in the scene and add 4 lights around the character then added a gamma node in the compositor so a could adjust the saturation of the image I was about to go for a sin City look on the second render but changed my mind. :grin:

surely there are no rules against similar entries.

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Its a horrible day now I just deleted every one of my scenes and models when I was trying to clean my computer :scream::sob::exploding_head::fearful::sweat::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’m trying system restore to see if it will bring back my files if it works it will be 5 days back before the WC

That sounds bad. I hope you’ll be able to recover your files.

If you haven’t started restoring your system: There are a few ways of recovering data in Blender:

E.g. The auto saved files from the temporary directory have saved me one or two thousand times. (Both, on Windows and Linux.) Good luck …

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Ouch. That sucks.

Haven’t look at blender temp files in a long time since like 2.5? :thinking:
Saved all those files an an external hard drive.

Forgot all the save file were being saved in another file location before I started using 2.8 don’t remember where the location I put them at is though going to be fun looking for them. Sigh :no_mouth::expressionless:

Oh yeah same here didn’t add much detail to my ship, no people etc… And to be very honest I’m kind of a beginner myself. Still got a lot to learn. Also I have a very low end system… A core 2 duo with 4 gb ram, 256mb dedicated Nvidia GPU only which is also incompatible with blender. Hehe… So basically this is the best I could do on the last day.

Yeah @unyxium, you can totally make and submit an image like this. Maybe you can show me another perspective, stuff I could add to the image.

Why are all the awesomest entries non competing?

I might start saving my files on an external hard drive so I don’t do it again it looks like I lost all my blender files going to have to start over from scratch, still have my custom skin node it’s saved here on blender artists
lost all the ones I didn’t save from 2.7-2.8