Challenge #862 "New Beginnings" (27/12/19) Entries CLOSED

A New Homeworld

Pure entry. Cycles 256 samples + denoising + compositing, procedural textures only, all works done in Blender except color level correction done with GIMP.

Going the same route like WC #776 and #786 entries, also related with #777. Hope you all aren’t bored yet with these series of ‘space-princess-staring-into-the-space-waiting-for-her-space-cowboy-in-shining-armor’. This will be the last one for this decade, I promise! :wink:

Btw, might become much less active here for next year, will dedicate more time for personal projects, also plan to write my journey on WC later in a thread. Anyway, happy new year in advance and wish you all the best in 2020 ! :partying_face: