Challenge #865 "pastel" (17/01/20) Entries CLOSED

Non competing

Was in another WC

Used my phone to change the saturation
Not near my computer to do any work.


Just to add a bit to the language confusion about pastel: Even though in Portuguese pastel can mean pastry, it can also have the same meaning as in English. So if some cook were crazy enough to make a pastel like in @SHADOWSTORM’s image and fill it with pastel crayons, this “food” would be called pastel de pastel in Portuguese.

Now if some equally crazy artist were to draw such a thing using pastel crayons, the painting would be called:

Pastel de Pastel em Pastel

Pure entry. Everything made in Blender using procedural textures and some back-and-forth exchange of rendered images within Blender.

I tried to simulate the strokes using a particle system. For that to work, I first had to render to a .jpg, and then import it as a texture in a different scene. It was quite fun pulling out this hack, I bet one can make a lot of nice effects with this.

Raw render (the pastel de pastel):


um rissol de pastel :wink:

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PURE - cycles render - 1200 samples


Pastel Crayons - Pure - Cycles - 512 samples

A little boring compared to some of the rest but learnt a bit more about materials and using textures which I suck at. Looking at reference pictures there are lots of details on crayons that looked easy to replicate, I didn’t get very far and in the end used a “plaster” wall roughness map from I didn’t get around to blunting the tips but think maybe sculpting could be good for that (I did try, and failed :p).

Materials are using object indexes and than mapping to a Hue/Saturation node.


“Going Pastel!”

non-competing (pure), cycles (128 samples + denoising)

This was fun! My kids provided the background images. Cell Fracture helped with the cracks and … in the future, I’ll have to learn a lot more about smoke simulation and volumetrics… :wink:


“Not where I intended to go but where I needed to be” Pure, Cycles


Now that is what I call a Pastelception. wonder how it tastes, tho…


Pure, Cycles


Teddy Bear Painting
Pure entry
partly inspired by FlyingBanana’s entry

Original render in Cycles (non-competing):

I tried to make a custom paint shader for this one. I modeled a paint stroke that can be duplicated with different colors, then I wrote a Python script to try to place instances at different angles based on the direction of the surface at each point.

It’s horribly slow and takes several minutes to do something that a GPU could probably do in a few milliseconds, but overall it worked a lot better than I thought it would.



Non-competing, rendered with Eevee.

Not much serious works here, just reusing model from a contest entry and a bit of editing here and there, thinking it might be fun to vary the colors to fit the theme. That, and trying (again) to get a somewhat good render with Eevee.

Btw, aside from the type of color pallete, here ‘pastel’ is also a name for a fried snack with various fillings, but most commonly seen is a combo of egg, minced meat, and chopped vegetables :

(photo from google search)


Title: Blender Candies
Pure entry

This was one of the first things I thought about and I thought I could give the messages a Blender/3D twist.


Pure entry.
Fresh baked pastels in a pastel kitchen. :slight_smile:


That looks way fancier than my poor man’s paint stroke simulator. :smiley:

May I ask how did you manage to put the instances on top of the meshes? I remember looking at the python API one day searching for a function to find out where a ray intersects a mesh, but I wasn’t very successful.

It has been a while since I used this myself but I think this could be the function you are looking for:

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Thanks! Silly of me for looking for such a thing under math functions or utilities. This obviously belongs to bpy.types…

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