Challenge #875 "Colony" (27/03/20) Entries CLOSED

Do I see that right? @RobertT is going competing this time? oO


Colonization of Jubeeter

Pure entry. Everything made in Blender, only procedural textures.

As the inhabitants of Alpha Antarus left their system in search for new planets, they were very happy to find the homeplanet of the bees, Jubeeter. With their superior technology, the Space Ants enslaved the bees and colonized their planet.

Initially I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make insect colonies, space colonies or make something about historical colonialism. So in the end I said what the heck and made an image with all three.


Princess Mira Visits the Workers
Open entry (using characters I started making a few weeks ago)

I started modeling these characters a while ago to make animations in Eevee, so this seemed like a good fit. The base model was already finished, but it was missing the crown and the wings. I modeled those as well as the background this weekend.

Bonus: Time-lapse of different renders while I figured out the composition:


Shhh… :shushing_face: :wink:

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Very Matrix-y. Nice!

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@Helge, I love this image for so many reasons :penguin: :two_hearts: :penguin: :heart:

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Thanks, Robert. :slight_smile: This was a fun one!

Great to see you back in the game! With a wonderful entry, I might add.

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Thanks! We’re all shocked glad to have you back! :grinning:

Robert T. for president ! :partying_face:


LOL, thanks for the welcoming!

I’ve been following the WCs weekly but haven’t had much free time for projects.

It is wonderful to see the WCs thriving, everyone’s skills advancing, and new participants here.

BlenderArtists is a great online community, and it’s really nice to have a place like this at a time like this.

Best wishes to you and everyone here!

Let us all keep creating, stay positive, learn new things, enjoy, and be well.