Challenge #891 "Ascending" (17/07/20) Entries CLOSED

Title: “Botanical Probing”

Pure entry; BlendLuxCore v2.4beta1 (4400 samples + OIDN), Blender 2.83.2 (post-processing in Compositor)

Like Helge (nice capture and concept!), we aimed to incorporate NEOWISE into an entry, and we captured a night HDRI for this purpose. However, due to the infamously bright Swedish summer nights, the comet was not visible at all (the HDRI is found here).

Having failed to capture the comet, we still used the HDRI as background to a scene where a UFO is collecting a specimen of a Tellurian tree with its tractor beam, with the tree completely ascending from the ground and its night-time dwellers awoken in shock.