Challenge #894 "80’s Arcade" (07/08/20) Entries CLOSED

Pinball “VerteX”
Cycles 1024 samples, de-noised, ~ 15 min.
All made in blender 2.8 and textures painted in gimp (except the pinball screen texture). Hope i can improve the textures till end.


“Pacman remebering the good old times”
I modeled everything by myself so I think its Pure.
But i used textures from,
I dont know, you can label it as open if that fits better.



The closed I got to 80s arcade was maybe a “faked old” flipper-machine at my locale fast-food restaurant. That’s why I choose my first arcade like game I really loved. The N64 Lylatwars :slightly_smiling_face:. I flag it as non-competing, because I did’nt had the time to finish it and I missed the topic a bit.

non-competing (pure), Eeve


Title: Lightcycles from Tron (1982)
Rendered in Cycles of course.

The significance of Tron in the history of computer graphics can not be understated. The original light cycle scene for the movie was created by MAGI/Synthevision, which created the very first raytracing software in 1967. This scene was also the first CGI that John Lasseter (co-founder of Pixar) ever saw. Tron was the first real application of using computer graphics extensively in a film. Without the making of Tron, 3D graphics history would be very different.

The movie’s relevance to gaming is also significant as it’s a commentary on video gaming in the 80s. In the movie, the protagonist Kevin Flynn runs a video game arcade and is also a video game developer. While trying to get back a game, he is zapped into the computer world and is forced to be “Player 1” in different video games. In the 80s they made a few Tron based video games that were quite popular and have been parodied many times since.

I first saw this movie when I was 6 and my parents took me to see it at a drive-in theater in 1982. My fate was sealed from that moment on and I’ve been hooked on 3D graphics ever since. I’ve wanted to make this scene for a long time. I know the color reproduction is not that accurate with respect to the original. The levels are somehow darker. It would be interesting to know if this was the result of film transfer or if the raw data from the computer would look the same. The stepped gradient starting off the light cycle walls was created by putting several stops in a color ramp and setting it to constant. I don’t know of another way to simulate this effect that almost looks like lower bitrate color. Below is the original scene from the movie.


“Old times”

Blender 2.83, cycles on 256 samples with denoising, pp in compositor, pure entry.
One of this places. In the back of VHS rental. You’d go there every evening to spend your last pocket money just to get on that high-score screen.


that is some great texturing for pure. Don’t look at my pac-man

Pacman and Asteroids
Pure, Cycles 128 samples

Should’ve started before this morning. I’m already up past my bedtime getting to this state.


Nice cabinet though and I like how you put the red bumper trim on it. You can just say you were modeling the prototype Pac Man and did the texturing yourself.

Old Arcade Maschines

Pure, Cycles 512 samples.


LOL, nice job with the dust, for the preview i tipped my screen with my finger to check it its on my screen or in your render.


Great lighting! I really like the nostalgic mood.

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Haha, thank you! :slight_smile:

Thank you! :slight_smile: