Challenge #952 "Holiday on the moon" (17/09/21) Entries CLOSED

moon motel
pure entry, cycles.

comp in blender,
fun theme!


Moon UFO

The aliens got bored of observing the Earth, so took a little trip to the moon.

Open - Earth and Moon textures are from NASA, and I built most of the scene before the start of the contest. All I made this weekend was the camera move, the star field, and the UFO.

The Earth, Moon, and distance between them are all to scale. At that scale the UFO is 10km in radius, with each window/light being over 200m wide.


Hey, I’m new here. My entry is pure. Let’s see if I can get the image to show up.


Holiday on the moon

Pure - Blender 2.93 - Cycles


…one small step for a Gribzlog…

Pure, Cycles 128 Samples, Optix Denoise.
Non-serious entry… :man_shrugging:

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I think I missed the deadline, but figured I would upload it anyway.
Not sure if you would call this pure or not since the astronaut is from a model I downloaded. I modeled everything else myself. Rendered with Blender Eevee.
Constructive criticism is encouraged and welcome!


I thought the image was nice (but unsure if I wanted to vote for it) until I decided to look at the full resolution version. And that is when I noticed all the trash in the crater and not in the trash can! Wow, too funny. That is exactly how a moon park would be if humans visited it.


Nice one, there can’t be enough pools on the moon! :slight_smile:
I just added your image to the voting thread as a non competing entry. (As the voting can’t be changed once it has been started.)