Character Animation - Sipping Hot Chocolate

Hello Again Community!

I worked on this yesterday…thought I’d share. I was testing a rig for a project I’m working on and came up with this short shot. The idea was he is listening to someone in the foreground. Obviously there is no sound yet. I just wanted to get the feel of the action for now.
Thanks for stopping by!
Kaylee J



LITERALLY jaw dropped at this, the movement is SO NATURAL, so stylish! The character is extremely well made, the background having sound on it makes it feel older and fancier, I cannot get over how well this is animated, you did ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!


Nice render! The detail of movement is pretty good! That eye twitch…


Thanks. Glad you like it.

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Thank you. I was having trouble with the eyes actually. When I switched from 2.9 to 3.0 it’s like the animation workflow changed. The playback is almost rough looking somehow and it continues to mess with me. I did finally get it looking smooth though. Timing is everything.

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Agreed. Updates sometimes messes things up


You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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amazing! This video is a masterclass in animating expressions. I will be studying it more closely. The way he blows on the drink and his eyes narrow ever slow slightly and then when he takes a sip the eyebrows arch up. it’s so expressive.


WOAH :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: Man that animation is good!

I took a year off college (well, technically I’ve dropped out :sweat_smile:) to go and practice/study/learn animation on my own, and some day I hope I’ll be a fraction as skilled and talented as you.


Thank you @bartv!!!

Thank you. Animating the face is one of the most important things to get right. Everybody immediately looks at the eyes first when it comes to human characters. It’s important to make the character look like he is thinking, digesting information and then reacting to it. What’s so funny is it’s the last thing I work on in polish. :sweat_smile:

This is outstanding animation. Well done. Put that in your portfolio!


Thank you for the kind words. I hope to be able to spread the gospel of Christs love through animated stories one day. Animation takes time to learn. It takes work, dedication and patience. My favorite way of thinking about it is… Practice makes perfect and just keep at it. Everyone has to start somewhere. Observation is gonna be your friend. I’ve learned a lot from this guy’s workshops and other people’s projects. I hope you will be a great animator someday.

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Thank you … and I have. Hopefully I’ll have a whole short as well. Still in the writing process.

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It could go straight into a professional animation movie :slight_smile:

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Thank you.

Thank you for the advice and the resource! :blush: I’ll definitely be sinking a lot of time into Jean-Denis Haas’s videos.

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I really like when 3D is use in a nice & peacefull Art.
Thanks for sharing such an amazing work.
one of the rare moment where animation skills
isn’t about combat or fighting …

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Thank you @sharlybg. I enjoy artwork like this too. I’m not one for crazy violence. ( Reminds me of those arcade video games… XD) I also like to have a bit of story in what I do. It makes creating stuff like this easier and more entertaining.

amazing work !

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