Clarification on deleting/Editing posts and the Portfolio

So, I did some looking around and I’m still a little confused. 6 days ago I posted a render and I now want to change the title because I thought of something that is a lot better, less bland and more interesting. But I don’t see a way to edit the original post anywhere. I was then going to delete and re-upload, but the delete button shows a popup that says I don’t have permission to delete the post. Is there nothing I can do here?

And then that brought up a larger question. Is the portfolio on this site permanent and totally uneditable? If I post an image I can’t take it down or hide it, and I can’t make fix typos, change titles, update images on the original post or anything?

If that’s so that’s fine, it’s a different philosophy but I can respect it. I’ll just have to be far more conservation about when and what I post.

You need to be Discourse TL2- Member- to edit posts. I’ve upped your trust level, so you can edit it.

This is an ongoing discussion- we’ve had a ton of people asking to be able to be more selective with their portfolios. Last I heard, the staff generally was favorable to the idea and I think the implementation is being researched


Thank you!

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I’m having the same issue, where can I see my TL, and can you upgrade mine?

I see I can edit recent posts now, but the header post on that one you updated ([Addon] UltiMaze) is 5 years old and I think there may be a timer on it? Is that correct? Any way for me to be able to update or should I just repost?

I think there’s a cap on how far back can you edit. What edits would you like to make? We should be able to help

Like it says it’s $10, but right now the price is $20, and I’d like to be able to add sale text, and swap out graphics over time, etc. That’s the top post, so I think what users will see by default when they go to that thread, and I’d rather it have up-to-date info rather than them having to skim the whole thread :slight_smile:

(there’s nothing like critical to update right now, but I want the option to update it when needed, so I’m wondering if I should just repost a new thread every year or whenever the cap is)