Closing threads

Oh, okay, I remember skywriter now, I was confusing him with the X10 guy, or didn’t he come back as skyracer or something of the sort?

no, SkyRacer was the other nickname of X10 (who is one of the other banished, if I may say so).

I believe SkyWriter would be rather insulted if you didn’t remember him from all the anti-linux post he did.


But that’s all people like that are looking for, attention through notoriety.

um, I am now going to reply to the last three pages. It may take a while, but I will start a new thread with the responses, but ,theeth, if you were referring to everyone that was calling me uneducated, stupid, and everything else, I didn’t mind. I know I said I don’t like being called stupid because of what I believe, but I expected it going into this thread.
The Bible says we are the salt of the earth.
Salt flavors, I think I added some flavor to this forum :wink:
Salt irritates, I think I was irritating;)

Joecool: that might be why some people are afraid of water :wink:



Let’s see where this goes. BUUUMP.


P.S. - any way for you admin types to suspend Valarking’s ability to post for a day or two? Get him to knock it off?


valarking before I start a poll on, wether you should be permanently closed into an asylum or not…

Please could you give us a good reason why you’re doing this???

(This is so annoying, no it isn’t, yes it is, no, yes…NNOOOO, YEEESSSS… Ooohhh, Sh*t you got me confused again!!!)


Skontar: have mercy. Valarking’s smiley surely has learned its habits from someone. If you want to take a guess…

pockpockpockpockpockpockpock. (maybe some kind of selfpunishment to keep religious? Pain and discontentment are good tools to foster the belief in supernatural beings! Look at me. I hear today’s music and keep believing in Queen and Billy Joel)

But I honestly think that the discussions here are rather pointless. Instead of working together to find new reliable data, they flame each other to death. fighting fighting fighting booooooring. Sometimes I am happy to join in, but often not for serious reasons.

By the way, I won’t post too much here at the moment, as well as I won’t chat anymore. I realize that time is something precious. I have targets to reach and ranting against superior christians wont help me with that. A high postcount doesn´t either.

Valarking, please repent. Do not burn in Hell, pleeeeease!!!
I am on my knees begging!


Well, I think you’ve got a point there… :wink:

Yes valarking, there is still hope. Save your soul while you still got time!!!

Pleeeeaaassseeee REPENT!!!.


Billy Joel kicks ass. He’s my favorite song artist.