Cloth is floating inward after applying

AnimWomanDc(love).blend (3.1 MB)

The cloth dress is flowing inward after being parented in three forms, automatic weights, empty weights, and mesh deform.

also I’m having trouble matching up the weight paints, before when rigging a cow and also when rigging the lady in a long gown, automatic weights moved it. When I try to rig the cloth to the armature I encounter a problem where more than one part of the dress moves, when I try to weight paint, it’s not working.

Have anyone had problems like cloth flowing inward and weight paint not solving the problem between bone groups when animating cloth?

  • I tried data transfer modifier and that helped a little but not much.

Ive attached my blend file this is a rough version but I want to make function. 3.1 megabytes. shirt and pants are included.

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Well you’ve got a classic flipped normal phenomenon. The reason for that is because you duplicated the cloth mesh from the body mesh, which itself has areas with flipped normal. I’ve flipped the normal, both for the body and the clothes, and I’ve also turned off the Collisions on the cloth mesh. See the updated file here
AnimWomanDc(love).blend (3.1 MB).

Anyway, if you’re interested with making clothes using cloth simulation, you may find my post on Tutorials interesting to check out.

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Thanks the animation is working much better now.