i tried using carpaint materials but it is not right
please help, and if possible please explain to me with the node setup, because i tried making the right material (in quite a few models already; tried to make it in an angle that would look right but never worked)
as you can see here, anything that is darker than the material colour reflects as a dark colour, even though they are dark red or dark blue, or just anything that’s darker, it happens with my kitchen boards too, and the problem with just a glossy 0 + a diffuse it that only the glossy is seen (well, mostly) and turn down the factor just does not look like anything close
It’s not a threshold, it just kind of looks that way. Your problem is that you are blending the diffuse and glossy BSDFs by a constant factor, which is wrong. It’s not how reflections on wood/plastic/ceramic works. You need to add the fresnel node (under inputs) and plug it into the mix factor. This way the reflection will be stronger at steep angles. Without it, your reflections will always be either too strong when viewed directly (making things look weirdly metallic) or too weak when viewed at an angle.
And you really shouldn’t use reflectivity 0, nothing in a kitchen will be that shiny. Use something like 0.05 or 0.1.
OP - you need to post some pictures of your scene so we can see what’s going on. With the pictures you posted - the lighting may be just as important as the material settings…if you dont have the right lighting (replicating what is going on in those photos), you’ll never know if your material is correct.
thanks, i tried the frensel and it looks better, and yes there is no photon frequency in cycles, is just how i addressed the question, can you just make everything that is darker in colour compared to the material, it becomes colourless(well, just a shadow instead of relfection)
ok, i tried using your node setup to try to solve the treshold frequency problem and this is what i came up, not really that great and i don’t even know does it work or not, so please inspect
this one is my first aptempt
Agreed. OP - if you are trying to emulate materials from a photograph - you need to replicate (approximately) the geometry and lighting within that scene - otherwise your materials are bound to look different.
well… the problem is that i don’t have any background images and my actual model is VERY big, ( i think so, at least the biggest i’ve ever created) 140MB didn’t know how did it even bump up to such a high number, but, well, i can give at least upload the table only with tested materials, anyone have any spare, free background images, please give it to me
here’s the file:
it was too big, so i puted it into dropbox, the display on the fridge might not work because it’s a separte png, but i though it would not matter because were’re not talking about the fridge
i don’t acctually have the light setup done yet, i have acctually no light source in my current model, but for now, anything would do, but this is the general presets that i’m aiming for, 8.63MB, took out the fridges, added a floor which was suppose to have lighting