Construction Lines add-on - CAD - Released

I’m currently looking at ways to allow more Blender operations to be used whilst in CL. It’s difficult, as this was never the plan but I think in later releases this may well be the direction I need to take. I want to get the next release (0.9.6) finished as this has all of the main functions I’d planned for version 1. Once this is done, I’ll have a much better picture of how to more closely integrate my tools with Blender’s. Ctrl+Z should work to undo but I plan to add in others like re-do, copy/paste, select all, etc.

I’ve been thinking about a follow tool for a while and would like to implement it soon. I use it a lot myself, so it would be a really useful thing to have. Famous last words but I don’t think it would be too complicated to build.

I’ve just implemented auto-arrays when moving an object (or section of geometry) and holding Ctrl, so that will definitely be in the next version (along with a ton of other updates, fixes and features.


Awesome Cant wait for this, this tool sounds like it will be revolutionary for me atleast haha

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I just purchased this add-on for use on my Mac. Unfortunately it is extremely slow. Just using the tape measure tool, for example, I click, and there is about a 1 second delay before anything happens. When I drag the mouse, same thing, the line does move, but with a very large delay.

Blender: 2.93.0 (But was the same on 2.92.0)
This is on a fairly new iMac (2020 edition) with 3.6GHz CPU and 64GB memory.

Is this a known issue? Is there anything I can do here?

Thank you

Hi @MrWetsnow I’ve had a few issues come in with slowdowns on Macs. I added two preferences that you can toggle off, which should fix things. If you got to Edit->Preferences->Construction Lines and turn off Allow dashed line drawing, this fixes an issue with OpenGL which causes some serious slowdowns on certain Macs. If this doesn’t work then uncheck the Event Pass Through (Developer) preference, which fixes a timer issue, which some Macs seem to be affected by.

Thank you. Turning off the Developer passthrough fixed it. “Allow dashed lines” doesn’t cause a slow down for me.

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Hi Dan,

Bought this today, look absolutely fantastic, however I’m having real problems with it.
I’m using Blender 2.93 with windows 10.

Major issue is that often just drawing a line will crash blender. I then have to reinstall the add-on each time.

secondly Extrude entry of measurements ( after hitting enter ) doesn’t seem to resize the model ( i set scene units to mm)

Are you still actively developing this tool? if so is this the best place to raise issues or bugs?


Blender also crashes on me when I draw lines.


Hi Simon,

Thanks for purchasing. Have you tried on Blender 2.92. I’ve not fully tested on 2.93 as I’m in the middle of developing the next version, so can’t support it yet. However, if you go to Window->Toggle System Console when problems occur, if you see any errors, could you send them through.

The extrude issue is a known issue and has now been fixed.

I’m constantly developing this and have a really big update in the works, which shouldn’t be too far off now.

The best place to raise issues is on my feedback form


Is this on Blender 2.93 also?

Heya just bought it and tried to do some cutting and it crashes everytime… :frowning:

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Hi, @Way2Close thanks for the purchase. I’ll PM for more details about this as it’s not normal behaviour. I’ve got a massive update about to go into testing, so if I can recreate your issue, I’ll fix it for the upcoming release.

I’m having the same issue. I just got Construction Lines addon for Blender 2.93 and when I try to draw just simple lines, it crashes on the third click. Every time. I’m so disappointed. :frowning: But I see that you are aware of the problem and working on the update, so I’ll try it out on 2.92 for now. Thanks!

CL 0.96 will definitely have support Blender 2.93. I’m starting testing in the coming weeks, so there should be a release coming soon. It’s a major update, with lot’s of new features and bug fixes. I’ll post here when it’s ready.

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Just a quick update on Construction Lines version 0.9.6 It’s now in testing. There have been some issues with running on Blender 2.93 but these have been resolved now. I’m expecting to release in a couple of weeks if nothing too serious comes up in testing. In the meantime, here’s a peek at a few of the many upcoming new features and changes:

Object, geometry and guide duplication:

Edit mode selection and move (you can also delete geometry now)

New box select

I’ll be uploading my usual release video to YouTube once it’s released to round up all the new updates and fixes.


Looks great :+1: I’m really looking forward to this update!
(Only would expect when /2 after duplicate it would result in 3 boxes instead of 4. Can’t test right now but I think this is also how sketchup works)

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Yes, you’re right. This has since been updated.

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I just bought this add on, and ran into the crashing issue discussed above. Changing to Blender version 2.92 fixed that issue.

But there is now a different issue I have run into (Using version 2.9.1 doesn’t fix it), and now I am wondering if there are other issues I have not found yet with my current setup. I would just like to do things in a stable environment where things work the way they were intended to.
Is there a different blender version that I can use which works with the current Construction Lines build (At least until CL 0.96 is finished and released)?

Issue Explained (For the Interested)

I cannot select vertex points to create a face, and instead have to use the built-in face function that blender has to do it.

I am trying to follow this tutorial:, which is unfortunately for an earlier version of blender, but the current tutorial docs say the same thing, so I think it is still the same way:

The ‘select’ tool does not seem to do anything except make them green when I hover over them, even if [CTRL] is held (The docs say they should be “highlighted red and stored for face creation”):

Using any of the other tools (such as the line tool or move tool) do not highlight the points red when they are clicked while holding {CRTL].

The most stable version is Blender 2.92. There are a few bugs in CL version 0.9.51 but these have been addressed in 0.9.6 which will be out in a couple of weeks. CL is still in beta so there will be the odd bug to deal with but I’m actively developing it and hope to have a fully stable version 1.0 soon.

Regarding the select vertex issue. You need to be in Object mode to select verts to create a face. However, in the image you’ve shown below, you should be able to draw a line between the two endpoints and CL will create a face automatically for you.

It might be worth doing a git repo that purchasers get access to so they can beta test the ‘current’ ongoing build of the addon, so we can help test that version before it goes live to public.
It would allow us to not report so much on issues that have already been fixed and instead report on new issues. If the git repo is updated at the end of the day each day you work on the addon.
With the caution of its ‘experimental’ we can better help during the development process

Iv seen many projects follow this experimental/stable release format so i thought id suggest it


This - I second that!