Construction Lines add-on - CAD - Released

@norrid Thanks for thinking out the box for us CAD techies. We have many sketch and sculpt tools in Blender, it’s about time for precision technical tools for modeling more precise hard surface models such as vehicles and architecture.

I knew it wouldn’t take much, just a desire to think out of the box. I tried to get Blender to initiate this last year Just a simple tool to start off with, with some small quick functionalities. This is almost like Blender’s ‘2D Animation’ sketch tools only this works in the general modeling and edit space.

Let me introduce myself:
I started computing and programming since 1984. In the early 90’s, I’ve worked with AutoCAD 1.0 up until the latest now. I started 3D modeling about 1997. I start working with Blender off and on since the first few versions and even more now since 2.79. I also model much in SketchUp, Rhino, and some in 3DMax. I do architectural and vehicle modeling. I do some programming and much CAD and graphics for the government. I just don’t have enough time for some of the other things I would like to do because I have several businesses and pastoral responsibilities. But I will be willing to help you as much as I can in suggesting ideas.

I will visit this chat to see if I could be of any help in any area that time would allow to.

This is a breakthrough far most of what I have seen. It’s not complicated and primitive.

HINT: Most of your suggested ideas are in SketchUp and the users will help you make your project a success.

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In the end @norrid must decide that. But I think that an additional shortcut for an existing function does not necessarily help beginners. And windows fans should definitely dig deep into their pockets and buy windows software so they can stay with their beloved windows shortcuts. :crazy_face:

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@MarioPeper I believe Blender’s focus is to satisfy all ends, Linux, Windows, and Mac. I work with them all. Mac interface and products are easier than Windows. Also, they have mastered the interface to draw in more beginners with their apps that have very little computer experience. I like Linux only because it’s a programmer’s toy store and it’s free.


What I don’t like is that people are new to software and want to change it first. Blender is so successful because it is what it is. So I think it is cleverer to leave it as it is :wink: But Blenders success is based on countless free addons. That’s why there are already so many shortcuts. So it is better to leave the existing ones as they are.

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@byJOHNNY Thanks for the comment and I’m really glad that you and others are finding this a useful add-on, it’s really rewarding. I’m especially pleased that coming from a CAD background you find it a step in the right direction. I’m using it daily myself in my own work (interior design, joinery and architectural visualizations) where I would have used SketchUp or Fusion before. There’s a way to go before I can fully move over but it’s getting there.

I’m really interested in everyone’s ideas for CL and with your CAD experience and history with much of the same software that I’m coming from, I’d especially like to hear your take on how it could be developed to fit into a professional workflow.

I’m supposed to be on holiday this week but I’m still working on the new version and once that is done, tested and released I’ll be posting a list of functions I’d like to include for a version 1 release, so I’d really appreciate everyone’s feedback on that.

To your “hint”: there’s two main features I feel I need to add first (geometry rotation and also center of face cuts, where primitives can be drawn on a face unconnected to an edge and it will automatically create geometry needed to split the facel) and I’m definitely going to be pushing this to SketchUp users. There’s so much discontent with the SketchUp direction at the moment, I think the time might be right for more users to move to Blender.

@MarioPeper @byJOHNNY This is becoming an interesting challenge. I recently tried a version where during an operation (tape, line, primitive drawing, etc), I locked the numpad to numeric input only (no camera changes) and I found it really annoying to use, as during an operation I often want to look from a different camera view and don’t want to cancel the operation just to do that. However, I also completely understand that some will find this the better way to work. So I think my best option here is to create preferences allowing people to chose which way they prefer to work -

  1. Ctrl+numpad to change camera orientation even during operation and numeric input without Ctrl
  2. Numpad for camera orientation outside of operations and then numeric input during operations.

This may be complicating the issue but I can’t currently think of a better way.

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Yeah, it’s not so easy. The possibility to change the settings in the Preferences is also available for other addons. But there is another, maybe better way, namely with CAD Transform or like Fluent or Hardops. The easiest way to see it is with Carver, because it is already included in Blender. So the moment I start using Construcion lines I have a visual feedback that I am in a different mode. Then it does not matter if I have other shortcuts.
Flexi bezier Tool simply has a list of shortcuts in the lower left of the 3dView (which you can check in the preferences).

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The Carver way could be a good option. I’ve been trying to keep it feeling like you’re still just using Blender but it’s a valid point that if the shortcuts have changed because you’re now in a different tool, it could be frustrating. I’m still experimenting with options, so thanks for sharing those.

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I think the real problem is you’re scratching at a classic shortcut for Blender. As far as I know, 7,1,3 was always change of view. But all other keys on the numeric keypad are already assigned, too. How about turning everything around and entering the numbers with Numpad + Ctrl, using the normal numbers in addition and mentioning this in the toolbar, like CAD transform. This could also establish a standard for CAD addons.

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As I have only ever used Blender (in the last decade anyway), and I use it for CAD (3d printing), low poly, animations etc. I would get incredibly confused if sometimes some major keys blender were remapped (some addons already do that and drive me crazy at times, but the addon is to useful not to use).

Perhaps an optional keymap feature. So by default the addon doesnt interfere with default blender keys, and then an option for people coming from other CAD packages to Blender. (Of course people can always change things in the keymap prefs).


@MarioPeper @Elminster I’ve looked into holding Ctrl but the issue is that Ctrl is need to do the inverse of camera orientation. I also get the point that you’re making Elminster, that it just becomes confusing having keys/key combinations that are not usual for Blender. What do you both think about typing “=” before entering a number? This would solve any issues with changing camera orientation and would also allow for users who have their number row emulating the numpad. It becomes a bit like typing an excel formula I guess. Too cumbersome?

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@norrid That sounds very CAD like. I think it’s a good idea. Only I am on the German keyboard and for = I have to press shift + 0 (on the main keyboard). Not only do I need both hands for this, but Blender often misinterprets this keyboard combinations if it is only one key in English. How about Enter. This should be the same in all languages and fits well with number input. So then I have enter > number > enter.


Good call. This works very well and using enter also means that you can use the numpad enter.


Yeah, that took a long time. :crazy_face: But it should be the fastest version with the right hand. :innocent:

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Oh, boy after reading what you have in store for the next version I noticed that I was drooling :drooling_face: I and many others love this add-on.


You are definitely helping a lot of SketchUp users and we all appreciate what you are doing, most of us are not coders or are not very good at it. Trimble Sketchup is the third CAD program that I have learned only to have it dropped, purchased and then dropped or just purchased updated and then gone to subscription. It has been a roller coaster ride for sure. Thanks again for your hard work and dedication to Blender - CAD…


Thanks so much for the comments Jay. That really motivates me to carry on and push harder to get this add-on developed further. The new version (0.9.3) should be out next week (if nothing major comes up in testing) and I’ll be straight on to adding new features to the next. Any money I make from sales, I view as hours of development and it’s been great to be able to take a day or two out of my normal work, to completely focus on this. Time is hard to come by these days, so it all helps.
I’m particularly excited about the following version (0.9.4) because it should have all the features I’d originally planned, which means it should have all the key features which allow a smooth move over from SketchUp. Like you, I’ve gone through multiple CAD programs and I’d love to settle on Blender as my main piece of software. It feels not too far off now!


Wow. After a few weeks of growing discontent with Sketchup, I decided to look for a replacement for all my design and construction work. I re-found Blender and began learning it. As in the past it excited me due to its brand scope, but the environment was so different to SU that it was clear it was going to be a large mindset shift.

Then I found this add-on. Daniel you’re a star! I have purchased, and made the leap into Blender.

One wish for CL, would be a way to simulate the SU style Guide Lines that can be created on an edge and extend to infinity. It may be laziness on my part, but I found these to be really helpful when designing in SU.

Many thanks,


I’m really glad you like CL and it’s great news that it’s allowed you to shift over from SketchUp. That’s just what I was aiming for. Blender is a bit tough to get into when coming from SketchUp isn’t it. I found just the same and used to find myself heading back to SU to model a part, only so I could import it into Blender.

I completely agree with you on the infinite guide edges, it’s such a useful feature, which I’ve used consistently when modelling. I’ve got a new update coming out this week that fixes a few things and adds some new features. After this update the following version I’d intended to add a feature to allow dragging guides horizontally off of an edge (like in SU), so I’ll try to include a way to get infinite guides or at least a large extension into space, if infinite isn’t possible. Thanks for highlighting that one.

Thanks again for both of your messages. They’re much appreciated and keep any suggestions coming.


Looks like a great addon Dan.
I was also a Sketchup user but now jumping into Blender thanks to new addons being developed.
I’m a 3dconnexion 3d mouse user, and one of the most important functions needed is to allow the 3d mouse to function while in the chosen tool (addon).
Sadly many addons block the 3d mouse and require me to drop tool to orbit the 3dviewport.
I reported this issue to the developer for Quickshape (alksndr) and he kindly edited his code and it now works. He is happy for me to share the code with other developers.

   def modal(self, context, event):

        if event.value == 'NOTHING':
            return {'PASS_THROUGH'}

Could this edit work with Construction Lines addon?
Many thanks