Convair B-58 Hustler

I have no special method for made textures. All panel lines, dials, stencils etc were draw in Corel Draw and exported as eps into photoshop. Here were added layers with dirt, base colours, rivets etc. Final look depend on how you use textures in material and how you build shaders for them.

And for last in this thread few fresh renders of 100% assembled model.

Mindblowing… So what’s next, then?

This model is absolutely beautiful in every respect, but I think the B58 is just too big to have been this shiny even when it was brand new. The very high, hard spec is making it look smaller than it should, a bit like a model.

I think if you reduced the shiny effect (spec down some, hardness down a lot, no mirror) the model would start to pop even more and transition from amazing to breathtaking.

For something that isn’t brand new, it was still incredibly “shiny”.

im sorry but the detail just isn’t enough i mean if you take a reference photo an look at it…
looking… looking… let pull out my microscope… ahh yes, you forgot to model the germs and bacteria, and how could you forget to model the individual atoms.
focus next time.

:slight_smile: you know i’m pullin your leg - good work!

double posting i know.
have you noticed some design weirdness. eg
the rescue capsule was built to house the yoke/stick, umm once jetisond what in the world would you with it? 25 pilots i bet have asked themselves.

also that rather large ground scraping pod undernieth is a nuke, when serving in the army they decided that it should fly low altitude… hmmm… and at speed.

did you know the undercarriage (the wheels) where kept in presurerised airconditioned compartments? hmmm… confi

My goodness! The USAF would have trouble telling that from the real thing!

Hi I am a rc modeler. Are the B-58 files for sale? I am planning to build one with turbine engines about 1/12 scale.
Very nice work!