Cool Survival Horror Project... team of at least 8 people

I have a really basic unity question and that is how do you import meshes?? I’m sure somebody can help out haha

Ok, hers a little prop iv been working on for about half an hour for your catacomb place (200 faces, 185 verts). I wanted to test out my texturing skills in photoshop and overall,i like how it came out. I might have to alter it to make it fit with your scene but ill add it in and see how it looks. Heres some pics and the .blend file. Hope you guys like it :slight_smile:


low poly skull.blend (560 KB)

Hey Guys,

Thought id post some ideas I’ve had for the game. Let me know what you think…

  1. We should seperate the Castle into 5 levels. So that the entire game takes place through them. With a boss at the end of each one This makes designing them easier as well i would think

  2. Dungeon Level. - The beginning of the game.
    A Maze and warren of dungeons, torture chambers and decrepit filthy rooms. It doesnt have to be big, as it is the players first time on the game, it should introduce the game mechanics of distraction, deception and survival skills. It is also where the player can arm themselves with basic weapons and stuff like that. - The End boss could be a Wierd Sick Torturer, or some kind of Monster trapped in the lower levels of the castle. When you defeat it you gain entry to the Catacombs

  3. Catacombs. - To escape from the Dungeons you have to Go under the castle.
    This should be full of crypts, Skulls, ancient statues, dark mazes. The Enemies could be really sensitive to light, like wierd blinded creatures that are lightning quick and hide perfectly still in the darkness. - The Boss could be Some Creature that you fight in some really tight corridors, and have to kill some special way. After this you make your way out into the castle itself

  4. Courtyard and Halls - This one im not so sure on. All the areas will be filthy, stained in blood, and gore, and full of some pretty twisted creatures. It cant be too open but it needs to be a bit different from the previous ones. Maybe secret passages through them all you need to make your way through to avoid enemies. I guess this would be the main Area, where most of the story development would happen. No ideas about the End Boss, Maybe some kind of more open battle, like fighting some crazy large hound in a courtyard or something…

  5. Towers - This is the ending, where you make your way up these broken towers, To the End Boss. Relatively short i guess, some intense parts, then you fight the End End Boss.

And then a lil cutscene for the end of the game…

Just some ideas, Crit welcomed. Ideas Wanted!


Nice FPS! i like it!

I like your level design thoughts, they’re similar to my ideas. For the courtyard area type place I had an idea where in the center of the castle there is a courtyard/garden with a glass covering at the very top of the walls and have it overgrown and filled with random stuff and then the inside hallways of the castle could be all beat up and messy like the castle was attacked a long time ago or something, food for thought!

this is what i mean by glass cover although it would be bigger and the castle probably a bit shorter, This is from Age of Empires 2 if you were wondering :slight_smile:

I did a skull and post it in BLENDSWAP a while ago:

Don’t know if it’s low poli enough to be used in the game, but if it suits… (it only has a normalmap, and an ambient occlusion map, it could use some diffuse and specular maps…)

Nice Skills Daniel! you keep impressing me lol

@GJ anderson, you want to add me on MSN so we can create a floorplan, level mapout for the game?

Thank you. I just finished a base mesh for the creature design in the previous posts. Don’t know the average poli count for videogames (i just read some models have 6 - 10K polis) this one have just 352 faces (all squares)

I was planning on sculpting with multiresolution, so i could give the low-poli model more detail than this, if needed (352 polis IS LOW, isn’t? can i give it more without affecting the game engine?)

I had a look at some answers around the unity forum and i believe that a good target is between 5 - 10k. but every poly gets converted into Tris in the game engine i think. so you need to account for that. so 5-10k of tris is good. But i think the way to go is to sculpt a hi res version and bake normal maps that you apply to the low poly 5-10k character.

Hope this helps, my knowledge is very limited in this area.

Nice base mesh too man, cant wait to see the finished model!

Ok so im going to start on creating A real Cave/Catacombs level for the game. Here are some reference images for the type of look im aiming for.

Great, great stuff guys!.
Go on.

@brinemobee, i think i added you already lemme check

Thanks Megastore

I got that ninja you sent me by the way awesome model, ill be going back to character modelling when the activity on this dies down a little bit, but this is taking up alot of time.

Nice progress.

1018 Faces -i think i’m gonna stop here the low-poli model, and start sculpting.

Wow-that looks great Daniel! Thats a really nice base-model! Have fun sculpting this monster!..I cant work so much on the game today, because I have upcoming tests and have to learn for them…but I still make progress every day

Here’s my idea for the castle, let me know what you think!
Castle_layout_idea.blend (411 KB)

This guy is starting to look like Eddie from Iron Maiden:

Wow! Thats truly cool Daniel! Im glad you take so much effort into developing this monster…Im eager to see what this looks like with horryfying textures…

and cool idea of a castle GJSanders, thats a good starting point…Continue wuth the nice work!