TFW you hear a big boom while hiking and find out it was a big ol’ reactor crash
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Thaaaaaaaaank you so much ! This is such a reward to me, i’m so happy !!
Really nice work !
Thank you, really appreciate it
Incredibly detailed
Thank you, i’m really happy how the crater turned out ^^
Very creative
This is great!! Did you add any texture overlays to it? It has a great worn-tangible feel to it. Great work!!!
Yes i did a fair amount of post processing with photoshop. Eventually adding a dust overlay and a gradient map over the finished image
nicely done!! It really looks like a classic Sci-Fi illustration. Absolutely love it!!
Of course, I also featured you on BlenderNation
Bart, thank you so much. Thank you so much for the feature, but most of all thank you so much for what you do for the community. Inspiring some and motivating others. This is trully awesome !
You’re welcome! Helping members shine is what I like doing the most