Creating a "Things to know when converting to left click"

So now I need to use left click. I wanted to start a post to help people get through the conversion of using left click instead of right. Muscle memory is hard to change so I have been neglecting to do it - The longer I wait the worse it will be. The problem happens when I watch tutorials and they are using left click to select. Around a year ago I made this post .

Some good stuff there. Normally my posts like this are a bit lonely but that is ok. I plan to start using it and as I go along I will add here all the things that I have to figure out so its easer for the next guy to make the conversion.
Today I am watching this video -

I use CAD transform Addon and I use the Measurit-Arch addon.
If anyone would like to share anything type of troubles they went through converting to left click please share.

You can actually change it in the Preferences → Keymap anytime.
Troubles in the beginning -yes. But I getting use of right click.