Hi, I was in the middle of modeling a high-poly house when texturing time came…
I was following the tutorial below but I can’t recreate what he did (Payment is included)
I wonder how can I achieve the same quality using free/achievable/reachable way.
Go to 10:00 when he starts texturing
Note: I also have a problem especially with this type of houses when it comes to texturing.
The texture is not applied well to these parts…how can I solve this issue, too?
I really appreciate and thank who will collaborate with me on this!
help asap.
Thanks again guys
( Do you think the people in this forum are too stupid to start discussing anything if you don’t tell them ??
Just wondering because you does this… ever time ?? )
As you said:
Usually you have to do a better UVunwrapping… (here maybe unwrap along quads or just adding soem seesm…) this seems to be just projected from one side or even not using oen at all… This is not visible in the screenshot… just partly the Mapping node and not the Texture Coordinate node… also no UV’s visible…
And having a closer look Andrew Price seems to not even unwrap it but uses a “simple UV unwrap” node (?) maye using the pooligon addon ??
I’ll let that ununderstandable anger pass this time.
Plus, I did unwrap the texture and tweaked the texture for a long time to obtain the sought after result…(I wouldn’t ask here if I haven’t already tried many solutions). Nothing happened…cuz, for your information, it has to do with how the house built (as u can see in the pic above) not the texture (even if I applied PBR high quality textures)
The man in the vid. is using tiled texturing…but as u can see he’s using his own website and add-ons.
I tried, the problem is not in which website I should use, it’s just part of the problem. But the texture is not working well with the way the house is built as u can see above…
I also wanted to know how can I do tile texturing as if I’m in substance painter (Or just like what the guy in the vid. did but for free)
Let’s just fix that texture problem then we’ll talk about tile texturing and painting. @Magnavis
It doesn’t matter if you use Paid For or Free, they are still used the same way.
The problem with your file is more than likely connected to HOW you unwrapped the parts and/or how you are mapping the textures…
Try switching on your textures from FLAT to BOX and see what it does…
The ‘Premium’ things he’s using are simply node groups that have the PBR texture info for that specific material all pre-set - that’s all. It’s not really any different to doing the CTRL SHIFT T and loading in the maps yourself.
The combine node is again, just a node group which does what you’ve already discussed in a previous topic. You can make node groups yourself very easily, though again, it’s not necessary for what you want to do.
Ok no problem…I understand the textures part. I already know how to deal with PBR materials and displacement nodes etc.
Thing is, if you noticed, he used the materials like substance painter (He was painting and “spraying” multiple materials onto the model…) I’ll try to do the painting part using the texture paint method we discussed earlier in another topic (Remember?)
Now let’s fix the UV unwrapping problem
Edit: You’re telling me I should just use a PBR setup instead of what he was doing the whole time using nodes? @Magnavis
Can u tell me how can I try the “Box” method but on a principled material setup?
There are many tutorials on YouTube which explain what UV unwrapping is for and how you have to use it to align the material on the mesh. Just look for “Blender UV unwrapping” on YouTube to learn what it is about. And it doesn’t need to be for PBR. Once you understand what it is for, you can easily use it for a PBR material too.
You saw the photo I posted above of the problem with my texture?
+I’m not asking about PBR materials in general I’m asking about how to implement the “Box” method to a principled texture setup
thx,(edit: help asap guys I’m waiting! Thanks very much for all of u) @Magnavis @goorman
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