My first post here, and my first bigger project in Blender:
This is another “deamon” from my mind. Really don’t have any logical explanation what is it, and what that image “mean” :spin:
Ooof… don’t ever say that to an artist. I got a similar comment from a professor telling me how she felt my conceptual work would make a good screen saver.
Wow! Thank you for such nice welcome! I haven’t expected that…
“f you created it with actual metal, would be a good garden piece” - well, i’ve the same feelings like +peter ;] But I know what you mean CyborgDragon
Yes, i’ve worked in 3d before (But i worked in 3dsmax, which is much more complicated than Blender and not so flexible)
pildanovak - i must agree with you. that’s because nails/pins fly around bird’s body, they aren’t sticked in the back wood…which is blurred by DOF. Maybe i’ll make another version of this image, without such strange errors