Creature-Urle-some kind of bird I think

man i did this kind of stuff and got the same result too many times easy peeezy smuck
anyway HEY put it the pretty polygon mesh so we can see how many polys you used for your art work!

Beautiful image! You’ve just motivated me to try out some more abstract styles.

And yes, Tim Burton is one of those things that came to mind.

genius .

Ono-Sendai - Thank you. And thank you for such great program :smiley:

logunwhite321 - I dont’ think you’ve got the SAME result :] But I agree, this kind of stuff isn’t hard to model and render:) Links to wireframes are in my first post, as you can see there are quite few polygons…

noidtluom - I’m always happy when I inspire someone to do something creative

wow, ur mind is wicked!
nice work, i love it.

A W E S O M E!!! I love this Piece! :eek:

did you get that depth of field effect through blender or did you do that in photoshop?

It’s got eyes, limbs, tail, beak with a color of a locust. Yeah…

adjustreality - DOF was physically calculated during rendering in Indigo. I didn’t use BlenderInternal :] Oh, and Photoshop was used only for color correction.

Maybe i’ll make a short “making-of” =]

my god!
it’s soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool~

OMG !!!
this is very beautiful …
how long you take the time to render it ?

Reminds me of the Brother Quay short animations (pre-CG stop film), especially with the pins everwhere.

The Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer – lots of animated curly-cue paper strips
Street of Crocodiles – morbidly dancing screws which bore into everything

You can find some of their work on YouTube. They were influenced heavily by author Bruno Schulz who is like Kafka plus Dostoyevsky… maybe a dreamer of daemons would enjoy Shultz and Brothers Quay…

Thankssdil :slight_smile:
It takes about 10h at 3300x2200px resolution on Intel Core2Quad Q6600 2,4GHz. And there is still noise :confused:

bricedue - i know some Svenkmajer’s animations, they are amazing. And I’ll find Brother Quay’s films.
“dreamer of deamons” - i like it :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, you seem to be a dreamer of daemons.

I just noticed you are in Poland… Bruno Schulz was Polish… maybe you can read his stories in the originals!

And the “Brothers Quay” aka “Quay Brothers” are the artists who did the Svankmajer animations. Go find any/all of their stop film animations. They are all amazing, and often very disturbing. Street of Crocodiles is the famous one based on a Bruno Schulz book of the same title. The dancing screws will make you wonder what your daemon pins are doing there. The dancing screws will give you nightmares. I will never forget them, and it has been 20 years…

Wow! great!

guys you have to know what the artist intended to show before commenting as teachers in art class…
this rendering a fantastic

keep up the good work…

Just great. I like when 3d doesn’t look like 3d :wink:

Hell, frame and sell the render! I don’t see why it’s got to be a physical sculpture to sell.

Weird but beautiful and great design.

Love it! The render is fantastic! Indigo is great when you have time to wait for it.

Interesting form + Nice render = I like it