Crosshatch Fencing

This is a simple one. I want to make a crosshatch garden fence. I could do it fairly quickly, but I know there’s an even easier way to pull off patterns like this. Dang if I can’t remember how to do it though. I did a few quick searches, and didn’t dig up anything, so I figured I’d ask here.


You can model it with an array modifier then add the appropriate number of additions needed to get the length you want.

That’d probably be the easiest way to do it. Though I’m trying to think of a technique I saw on Youtube awhile back. Like it would take edge slices, and rotate them 45 degrees.

It’s something I thought would come in really handy for certain situations, and now that I’m finally in one of those situations where it’d come in handy, I can’t remember how to do it. It’s driving me crazy.

Might not be what you’re looking for but:
Make a plane, loop cut it twice the plank you want, select all in face select mode, Select > Checker deselect, it should deselect one every two face you can then delete.

After that, You just have to slide one side at the angle you want.

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That’s not it, but it’s still a nice thing to know. Never used checker deselect before.

I’m pretty sure I saw the technique on one of Gleb Alexandrov’s tutorials. The problem is, he has about roughly 50,000 videos, so searching for that one specific thing will take about a minute.

…it might’ve been in one of his Blender Tricks videos. I’ll start with those.

In the meantime, I did what FlyingBanana suggested, made an X shape out of two rectangles, and arrayed it out to get the desired results.

I wonder if this is what you’re looking for-

A few days ago it was exactly what I was looking for, for a similar issue.

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Yup. That’s it. Also found the video in question.


And you know what? I really do feel pretty as hell now.

In the end, doing the array was nicer and easier, but at least I know the technique now.

Thanks everyone. :smiley:

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