[Custom Build] Blender Fracture Modifier


You need to install the Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable from Microsoft.


If you guys run across any good work examples, either videos or pictures, please also post them here so everyone can see what awesome work is being done with the fracture modifier.

Thanks : )

That is a cool feature and idea. We have been discussing something like it for the next version of the modifier. It will also control and interact with the explode modifier. So it may end up being a separate modifier to allow that. But either way, work has already been started on it for later use.

@JTA awesome, can’t wait :slight_smile:

Just do a search for that file (and there’ll likely be a second one as well), and copy it into your System32 folder, or just directly into the blender folder next to the executable.

@ scorpion81 if i try to set the Mass blender crashes.


Hmm, could you setup a simple blend where setting the mass crashes ? I am afraid without this i wont be able to find the cause of the error, same as with your shadow problem.

@ scorpion81 These are the problems now i facing. see the video

for sphere you can try apply edge split modifier

i already tried still able to see the crack or got some weird shadows.


for the sphere you also can try the "Fix Normals (WIP) " checkbox under experimental section, but in some corner cases this does not work so well, for the sphere it should. I fixed the Calculate Mass Crash now, will need to fix some other stuff too before i can make a new build. And regarding the shadow, i still have no real clue what might be causing this… since in viewport cycles it seemed ok :frowning:

Why this happen ?

OBS : Great work with this modifier !!!

@ scorpion81 today found another bug. created a cup and added fracture modifier, inside the cup it creates some meshes.

iam also don’t know why that shadows comes in your build, but anyway you doing awesome job, waiting for the new build.:slight_smile:


what does exactly happen there ? fracture shards not aligned with particles ? Could you send the blend to pasteall.org and link it here please ?


Hmm, this could happen with the bisect+fill method… does it happen with voronoi+boolean as well ? If so… are the normals properly recalculated, doubles removed, non-manifolds removed, no face intersections… is the mesh basically “clean” ? I tried here with a default cube, top face removed, subsurf x 3, solidify and fracture then and it worked (looks like a simple cup then too)

@ scorpion81 Yes, this happen with the Bisect+Fill.
Cup geometry.

@ scorpion81, here is the blender file : http://www.pasteall.org/blend/31243

I also used cell fracture, and i have a different result. Fracture Modifier should not give the “same” result as cell fracture using OwnParticle ?

OBS:I tested “Extra Particle” and works ! Just “Own Particle” it seems doesn’t work.


ok, thank you for the report and the test blend :slight_smile: Two issues: first there was a transform bug with own particles, so the point cloud worked only correctly when the object was on (0, 0, 0), i have fixed that now, and secondly, you have to apply the scale to get the same result as in cell fracture, but in case you want wood like splinters, you better NOT apply the scale to get the stretched cells.

@ scorpion81 Today i tried bake to keyframes option it shows error. Waiting for the new build.

Build Update :slight_smile: See the Dropbox for new windows, linux and mac builds. Changelog is on first post

@ scorpion81 Thank You for the build update.
Bisect + fill method not fill the meshes properly.

And when i add the inside material the mesh creates like that as posted in the Post #135. without inside material mesh looks clean.


unfortunately this bisect+fill error is very hard to fix… since filling is an existing blender function, which i just use (and i would need to learn how it precisely works in order to be able to improve it) so the workaround would be voronoi + boolean, but for this as i mentioned earlier you must have no non-manifolds and no self-intersections in the mesh. The last geometry screenshot you provided was not very useful to see whether the mesh is ok for boolean or not, so… if you would link me the blend here (or via personal message) i could take a look and check the mesh, and maybe fix it by hand so you can use boolean.