[Custom Build] Blender Fracture Modifier

scorpion81 knows what i mean :wink:

Currently if you have a fractured Object, and make a rigid_body constraint with empty object to another Object, those do not work.

@scorpion81 Your build show some part of the 3D object as black, same file i rendered in 2.71 its rendered clearly, its a bug? or problem in your build.


I am afraid constraints from fractured objects to unfractured ones are not possible. Or atleast very hard to implement properly. In regular constraints, both “partners” will have to be set explicitly. But with the modifier on you get multiple rigidbodies per object, which one should become the partner then ? the closest ? the most central ? All ? I already tried earlier to let different objects cooperate under one modifier, but that was buggy as hell and crashed almost always…With the modifier also, you cant explicitly pick a single rigidbody…
You can try to join the objects and put the modifier on, and reuse the existing islands, but i currently only have the “Fixed” constraint implemented for that, earlier (in my last modifier) i also hat several other constraint types (point, hinge… and so on)
Or you can try to convert the modifier to separate objects with the “Convert to Objects” button at the very bottom of the “Experimental” section. And then you can work with the single objects (if you really need that)
Btw, yesterday i made an attempt to delete the inner geometry, its already pushed, but still a bit buggy and causes a bigger memory leak still :frowning: ,need to investigate this


That works with the modifier too :slight_smile:
See the videos in the dropbox folder here… https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nz2z8ht6d1a15e4/AADiVT7QGGrnzD4GRhjqIyi0a

Here a screenshot of a similar house, which i modelled myself today…


Hmmm, regarding the black shadow… if i could take a look into your blend (if possible) i could try to check whats the cause, i really dont know off hand what might be causing that shadow…

@@scorpion81 Wow, amazing job you’ve done Sir!

I haven’t tested it yet, but I have a few questions.

Do the shards get UV map on newly created faces and preserve UV on existing faces?

Can materials be assign automatically to new faces?


Thank you :slight_smile:

Hmmm, inner faces dont get a UV, possibly need to add that via smart project or so (could be a bit hard, since its written in Py and cant be accessed from C afaik, but i might be wrong about that…)
And yes, you can atleast assign an inner material to the new, filled in faces (with boolean or bisect+fill method). Existing UVs on outer faces will be preserved (mostly, some options under Experimental dont quite work with CustomData like textures yet, I need to find out how its done basically…)

It would be also nice to have an option to generate convex hull around each shard, low-poly (Blender has that functionality). This would be useful for games.


By default all shards are set to convex hull as Physics shape. This is set in the default Rigidbody settings and propagated to each shard.
Or do you mean an additional “visual” convexhull ? Hmm, the latter sounds not so useful or atleast i cant imagine why youd want to hide the actual geometry inside a convex hull, unless for collision calculations.

This modifier is fantastic, it’s not only very fast and easy to use but also handles very non-manifold geometry pretty well. Plus setting up breaking thresholds is a breeze, and you don’t end up with margins or loads of separate objects like you do with the Cell Fracture addon. I love it :smiley:

I mean to create a copy of the shard and run “convex hull” tool(?) over it. In Blender it will be “visual”, but in a game engine (non-BGE) it will be a collisions hull for physics engine. So it won’t be visible in-game.

So shard objects will have 2 meshes - shard mesh and convex hull mesh. In-game only shard mesh will be visible, but convex hull will serve as collision mesh and will not be visible.


Thats an idea for another modifier (on top of fracture) i guess … calling the convex hull tool from it. Or you convert to single objects and apply manually ? But probably for many shards thats a tedious process… anyway, that doesnt directly belong into a fracture modifier.

I would even this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaKbMaBJa2Q consider as another modifier on top of fracture, not inside fracture modifier.


Thank you :slight_smile: and thanks for taking the time to test the modifier :slight_smile:

would be nice to create a utility to facilitate the camera mapping or camera projection, to make it easier too.

wuow!! :smiley: :open_mouth: awesome

Nah, I think all of that belongs to Fracture modifier :slight_smile:

Maybe we should organize some crowdfunding? :slight_smile:


hmm, i’ve tried to export a fracture modifier object as .Obj with animation as MDD. Somehow the Polygons all get messed up… (I did activate in Obj Export - Keep Vertex Order).

I do think this workflow would be very desirable to have (Without using Convert to Objects). (Obj seq is no alternative, since it does not contain motion/animation data - important to have Motion Blur…)

I will do some more tests on that matter.

PS: Building on OSX 10.9 seems to be very difficult… had no luck whatsoever, gcc-4.8.2, clang, clang openMP, cmake - Will try now on my old 10.8 macbook.


Hmm, i had those messed up polygons too, sometimes and sometimes not. It maybe helps when you save the blend with the fracture modifier first, then reload it, let the sim run a bit… then export the MDD and then the OBJ, with Keep Vertex Order, at OBJ Import you can Keep the Vertex Order as well. Then i added a mesh cache modifier and put the MDD there, you still have to flip up and forward axis perhaps, but then it worked for me. I dont have any clue up to now what might cause this… but to be honest some (long) time ago i had those messed up polys in the modifier as well. Maybe there is still something wrong with mesh creation and / or storage internally, which in some cases can show up.

Looking at the video, I’m in full agreement that something like this is needed to truly make this a production-quality tool for all cases.

Lightpath tricks may work to an extent, but truth be told I don’t know if it can intelligently take into account a case like this (which is where something like what was shown above comes into play).

When you combine this with the smoke/fire simulation support in Cycles, you would have the ingredients for some incredible VFX work.

if impact is over X and material fuel > 0 ->ignite

:smiley: have the pieces all shrink as they emit fire/smoke and emit light…

How would this be a separate modifier? The point (I think) is allowing a texture to guide the fracture shape - where, for example, the darker regions of the texture are less likely to fracture, and the lighter regions more likely.

I’m not sure if this is a part of the same project, but it demonstrates the idea very well: http://youtu.be/4Wl0ksysYKM?t=3m

It’d basically allow you to shatter a brick will, but generally keep the individual bricks in tact (it’d fracture in the mortar)

Am i the only one out there that is getting this error?

It says “Could not open the program, VCOMP120.DLL is not present in the computer, try reinstalling”

Same thing with old versions…

Win 8.1 PRO x64