Good news everyone!
The development of baking for Cycles is at a stage where it can use
some feedback. I’m interested on corner cases where baking fails, and
would like to hear ideas on how people plan to use it in production.
(e.g., which passes are to be used how).
You can see some images of Caminades, OSL baking and more info:
The supported passes for Cycles are:
Data Passes
- Normal
- UV
- Diffuse/Glossy/Transmission/Subsurface/Emit Color
Light Passes
- AO
- Combined
- Shadow
- Diffuse/Glossy/Transmission/Subsurface/Emit Direct/Indirect
Note, as frustrated as it may be, this work does not handle cage
support. I heard on G+ that without cage nothing of this make sense,
but that’s how we planned the development.
Cycles is being used to test the new design for the Baking code, and
we will be able to slowly improve the base Blender code on top of
The code is here:
Currently known issues:
- Seams: AO baking is producing some obnoxious seams. (not so much now
that Im’ using white as the background, but still, I would like to see
how to implement ‘margin’)
- Displacement: If anything is connected to the Displacement socket of
the Material Output, the light passes render as black
/me jumps up and down in glee and squeals like a schoolgirl. Thank you!
Dalai Felinto is asking for feedback.
Can someone make a windows build?