Cycles needs a logo

Hi people.

Cycles is getting bigger and popular, it is also getting integrated in other softwares such as cinema 4d, 3dsmax, daz.
last but not least, on artstation there is no icon for cycles, and it’s a shame xD

what do you think? :eyebrowlift2:

Definitely. Here is my first iteration. What do you think?

and here is a second with more consistent widths

and if you think that;s too slim

That’s not a bad idea
Let’s do it!

I second this statement. Its really important for cycles to have a logo, its a default render engine in softwares like poser and also rhino has it integrated too
And also what happened to the project of cycles being a standalone render engine? is it still on-going? :slight_smile:

I believe Cycles standalone is what’s poser, cinema4d etc are using.

Pixelgrapher. I like the slim one, very nice. I think it captures the essence of it pretty well. Maybe a contest though?

ok then thats awesome

Nice idea. Though I think it should bear more resemblance with the perspective in the original blender logo. It seems more flat. Maybe it could tilt and instead use other colours to differentiate from the original?

Before invest too much time on this, It would be great if someone from Blender agree with the idea or not. ^^;

btw, I like those logos

you should talk to Brecht on what the original idea was and where the name came from.

That would certainly help to give the logo some integrity.

nice variation but hm i think its up to the developers , its their code and thus their logo choice
though you might hand it over to them as a free to use idea.
wouldnt be supriced if they will use the blender logo.

Very nice idea, MmAaXx!

Yeah, I like these.

Also a good idea. It would be really good if the logo resembles some of the ideas behind the name.

For completeness, it’s probably worth it to note that this topic has come up before, here and here

thanks Fweeb

let’s see if we get more lucky this time…

If we make it too much like the Blender logo then we may as well use that, something that they are quite likely to do I believe. Anyway, I’d just like to take a little spin on this, see what others think.

Here’s something a little more complex.

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Love both designs from Pixelgrapher (except thick one). I think you got good interpretation of title in logo (literal cycles) from get-go, which is nice.

Not sure cycles should have a logo like Blender since it is sued in other softwares.

I think decision belongs to Cycles devs.

There is no reason to put effort in making a logo if Cycles devs don’t want one.
And all decisions around this logo ( How it should be copyrighted ? Should it be done by blender community contest or by a choosen artist or by a member of dev team ? Should it be a volunteer work or a paid one ?) belongs to Cycles Dev, too.

Whether it needs one or not, it’s a fun exercise.

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