Cycles_path_guiding tests

Need to check on my desktop - but i’m not seeing a huge difference on my phone.

Is the 3x render time worth it in this instance?

Isn’t it going to be quite hard to compare noise levels on a 279x533 jpg?


side by side because why post it any other way if you want people to see the difference

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Yeh - not seeing a massive difference. This scene is probably not one that PG will help much with. Seems to be a lot of direct lighting - which PG isn’t designed to help with.

For this scene - it’s probably better off spending a bit more time rendering more samples than activating PG.

I think equal time renders - rather than equal sample renders tell far more about the capabilities of PG.


today build
600 samples

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To really emphasize differences, I’ve added these two images to a comparison slider:


The comparison slider is awesome.

Path guiding really doesn’t seem very helpful in this particular scene. 3x rendertime doesn’t seem worth it.

This particular scene isn’t really a great demo, as the textured walls already can mask a multitude of noise.


The PG version Is slightly brighter, especially below the counter, but the noise is nearly the same

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Wow! Now, you know, you gotta share the markdown for the slider!

edit: is it this? is that you?

edit2: found it!


PG for glossy surfaces (with RIS) already in test 4.0 daily builds ?

Path guiding doesn’t really help with direct lights - and it looks like this scene is lit almost exclusively with them

Today build
300 samples

 PGI OFF/Light Tree OFF                                       PGI ON/Light Tree ON 

Add two images here. Change ‘data-direction-horizontal’ to ‘data-direction-vertical’ for a vertical slider.

 PGI ON/Light Tree OFF                                       PGI OFF/Light Tree ON 

Add two images here. Change ‘data-direction-horizontal’ to ‘data-direction-vertical’ for a vertical slider.


Nice! Would love to see this with the new image comparison sliders (star icon in the edit message toolbar).


you can see a tiny bit more indirect light in the second compared to the first, especially near the top of the left wall

light tree is clearly more important than PGI for this

and PGI + light tree changes the noise profile quite a bit: Some parts are slightly more noisy and some slightly less than in the light tree only image. Overall, activating PGI too is an improvement though, I think

You probably should also compare equal time renders though

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Yep this. Equal time renders are important because they will inform whether it’s better to activate PGI and light tree (and take the performance hit) - or whether to just render more samples for longer.

The PGI and light tree turned on - the render took almost 8 minutes. What would an 8 minute long render look like with PGI and light tree turned off - it may be as good as, if not better in this instance.

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Tested the daily build on an old project:

Full GI preset, min light bounces: 8, min samples: 128, light clamping: 0, filter glossy: 0.10, 5min halt condition

RIS (5min, 48 samples) vs RIS with MLS (5min, 43 samples)

The lamp area looks much better without MLS, as well as some highlights on the bottle and window frame and SSS.

GPU (5min, 1022 samples) no MLS and GPU (5min, 980 samples) with MLS results for good measure

Better clarity in the cabin (pretty self-explanatory) compared to both path guiding renders, though the cave area does not nearly have the detail that RIS provides. MLS leads to a bit more illuminance overall.


Just a note:
IME, comparison rendering for same amount of time, reveals much better which result is better.

Light setup
Nishita Sky

300 samples

PGI ON  No Portals                           PGI OFF  Two Portals


I think the portals rendering looks better. Did you also try portals + PGI?

Yes. In every interior case rendering using portals perform better (even in Vray, Corona, Indigo or Luxcore (where they got totally removed).

Analogy: It’s like having a dog fetching a stick. In one case it’s sniffing around for it and in other you’re simply showing (leading) the dog to it. Although dog will learn after few exercises, machine stays dumb/pre-programmed. Portals shouldn’t ever get removed, but instead evolved - having a tag on a material could be devised for accelerating workflow (and consequently LP guiding).
Also, bias introduced with such an approach remains within physical nature yet allows an artistic choice.

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