Cycles render - mesh is partly transparent, but OK (opaque) in Eevee



I joined three objects, each with a UV map, but eevee doesn’t seem to have a problem working out which texture goes where. Not sure if I accidentally changed some setting in Cycles.

Show us the material nodes.

Also - in eevee have you set the blendmode to alphablend?

Also - do you know there are addons for importing from makehuman well with a nice IK rig?

Thanks, I solved the problem - dae import works, obj doesn’t.

I tried the addon to import directly from MH but got several error messages. I got the dae to work so didn’t look further. Later I had a problem with dae so tried obj and that’s when my recent problems started. dae is working again fortunately. The rig created by MH doesn’t seem to include IK leg controls and the bones are very small - hard to work with. I haven’t used MH much so maybe it’s just my unfmiliarity with the program.