🗡 Dagger – Final Fantasy IX

Here is my take on Dagger/Garnet from my favourite childhood game, Final Fantasy IX. I had my jaw dropping during the cutscenes and now I trying to re-create my favourite shot from the game.
All created with Blender, rendered with Cycles. HDRI by HDRHaven


PERFECT! Her best version we’ve seen so far. I would love to see a remake with this style.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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wow, very nice… great work

Thanks mate! :smiley:

Thanks Bart, really appreciate it!

Thank you Barbara :slight_smile:

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Woah, thank you so much :heart_eyes:!!

great work and I agree an awesome game (of my childhood as well :). One thing that could be improved imo is the material of the white shirt. It looks a bit like plastic and bit too stiff. maybe because of the shine? anyway great stuff!

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Nice! This is my favorite game in the series too. Just gorgeous cinematics for the time and some of them even hold up today imo.

Really great. I like the character but I don’t really know her. The first game I really played was Final Fantasy X. I know this might be an action pose or stylized or whatever but maybe the necklace could lay better.

So beautiful!!

That’s a pretty difficult type of fabric to get right (looks like the author was aiming for either fine mercerized cotton or silk?). Probably something that should be supported with custom shaders in cycles itself (beyond just the velvet one).

A true beauty i guess, so will this someday be animated?


Congratulations, it’s flawless!

Better than the real thing!

That’s beautiful work. I remember her from back then even though I never played the game.
I also recognized her by glancing at the small preview in the top row. Well done likeness.

Allow me to offer some high level criticism (meaning its more like nit-picking) :
Like StudioRingofen mentioned, the fabric could need some massaging into place. I too think it looks to much like plastic.
This is more of a subjective thing, but I think there is a subtle clash of different styles present. The modelling of her face and the clothes are more on the realistic side, the Hair (+eyebrows, eyelashes) and the materials are more stylized. I personally would push the more realistic side. More details in the eyebrows, distinctive stylized eyelashes, more material details on the vest/choker + fine-tuning of the dress.

Thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciate it. Like Joe mentioned, I’m trying to replicate silk/satin material and the tutorial for that is kinda limited. I use anisotropic shader but it looks to metallic, so I mix that with principled bsdf, it’s kinda hard to get what I want . It looks okay in color but on white fabric it looks not as good. After several tries and my limited knowledge about Blender it is what I can get now. But will try better in the future. :pray:

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Thanks Mate, yea the cinematic was dope!