Daz FBX animation to Blender : weird bone and movement artifacts


While exporting my fbx animation in Blender, I’ve notice a few problems :

1 - The animation that looks fine in Daz , don’t animate correctly in blender. I’ve uncheck "use pre/post rotation and also uncheck “automatic bone orientation” in the armature section.

Weeird animation in Blender

2 - The eyelash are stick to the mesh but don’t move when the eyelid close

3 - The surface of the model looks like too geometric. Here as an exemple the ears looks too sharp. It was already the case before add normal map to the body

What can I do for fix a few of tose problems ?

Use this add-on, it’s by far the best (but not simplest) way to get DAZ characters, morphs, etc. into Blender.

Stable version and documentation:

Beta versions:

Thank you for your respond !

I actually install this addon but gave up due to the path files system between Daz and the addon. My daz files arborescence are quite messy and the first time I try it, it’s imported just an armature without the model and no animation :sweat_smile: I will try to get a further look with the addon so so :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it’s a little tricky the first time to get set up, but since the addition of a single click load “file paths” to the add-on got a lot quicker and easier.
Now, Daz Studio will record, to a location you choose, what your current file paths are (multiple if in different locations) and the add-on will just copy and load those.

Start with this page. :slight_smile:

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I think I did it ! the mesh is more cleaner and the animation has no weird artifacts ! thank you :slight_smile:
I just have this litlle problem, I import the normal model then import the action. On the photo I have two rig. The eybrows and eyelash don’t follow the animation and the nails neither :confused:

With this add-on you don’t want to stop with just the import. You need to continue down the list with corrections, materials, morphs, finishing, and rigging.
It looks like you haven’t combined the rigs yet which you’ll find in the corrections tab.

There is actually a dedicated thread for this add-on with a lot of great guidance. :slight_smile:

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you were so helping, thank you a lot :pray:t4:

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No problem, glad I could help.

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