What s kind of weird that i see a lot of collection in de code, but somehow 2,79 works fine. Not sure why that is even. @.79 doesn’t have collections yet it doesn’t return errors?
I’ll keep the addon running for 2.79, i already converted the current one downloaded from daz website. Some minor tweajs and seems to work just fine. I haven’t tested all parts yet.
Im also gonna adjust the command tool. I don’t understand why there is a search function in the 3dview port for shape keys. That same function is already in the shape key panel.
One more thing, this command should only show when selecting the object. I see it also show for armature, an armature doesn’t have shape keys. This causes for an error to show.
My plan is to add a searchable dropdown menu and a slider in the panel. That way you can do edits int the 3d viewport. EDITED
I made a quick mockup and it works super nice. I also like your toggle search. Thing is if yu don’t know the name the search is guesswork. That’s why i think the search operator is more of use …sorry there’s is a little nip-slip in here
What is actually that issue with importing at scale?
I added couple little handy buttons. I sometimes find the slider tedious, so i added a zero- and max-arrow for quick view. Also added clear all shapes button.
It think this works pretty nice now. We can do it all from the viewport now
when i rotate the spine_fk and the spine_fk.001 above, the upper body(chest and shoulders) stays in place and just the bones below are moving. When i rotate the spine_fk.002 or spine_fk.003 the upper body is moving the the bones below are staing in place. Is there a way to make the spine_fk.002 and spine_fk.003 behave like spine_fk and spine_fk.001 so that the bones below are moving and not the bones above?
Or is there another easy way to keep the shoulders in place while moving the torso (square bone in the center) ?
the “to rigify” option doesn’t work for me anymore?
I get this error message:
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\LordFader\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\DTB_v280-283_init.py”, line 420, in execute
adjust_shin_y(2, False)
File “C:\Users\LordFader\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\DTB_v280-283init_.py”, line 937, in adjust_shin_y
vgs = mobj.data.vertices
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘data’