Death Cavern

actually i’m finishing texturing the first lvl now. once it’s done being textured i’ll post some Screens of it.

I agree with Meat_Beater.
First off this thread is not pointless, but this is a Blender Game Engine forum not the Jerry Springier forum. At the same time its teaching other people like him what to put, and not to put on a thread. Hence we won’t have this problem again hopefully.
For instance, now we all know NOT to type up words such as “LIKE.” When I see this and when an elderly person sees you type this word in miss use of it you’re automatically signified as unintelligent.

I also agree with Kit 89.
When you post that your starting a game on the BLENDER ARTIST FOUMS – game engine section………Let’s say it should be natural to have some real proof. You keep telling me you have finished some level, or completed some part of your game. Well I’m not the only one who want’s proof. The people who not only replied to the form but also viewed it want something.
Still don’t understand?

My Advise
Never again sign onto Gangstagaret ever again. Create a new name. Of course its common sense that no one will know its you unless you boldly, stupidly, and ambitiously present you’re self. ========Want to know why you need to change your user name. ========
Because after you lied to me I am questioning everything you do from here on out, and I sure as hell am not downloaden anything from you. For all I know I could be in a virus trap by clicking the open button. I’m even doughting your age right now. ……………

guys everyone wants you guys to stop freaking posting in this forums >:-I it’s getting annoying.

Marshal says: (12:53:59 PM)
Why are people still adding to your threads! lol
Empire says: (12:54:05 PM)

Marshal says: (2:40:33 PM)
geeze will those people ever shut up!
Empire says: (2:40:39 PM)
i know

your getting annoying to me and marshal. so please just Do not reply to this post!!!

So then. How is your progress on Death Cavern. Last I heard you were texturing?

Boss fight is done for the first level. and texturing is basically done. So now i’m working on the second level. This level is the Lava Level. the first level was the Stone Block Dungeon. this one is lava. Hope to release ball edition soon :smiley:

OK whatever!
do what you do, and ill do what i do.
I hope you finsh this game and all that other stoff, blah blah blah.:rolleyes: …(sarcastic)

Are you making your own textures? Because it seems like you are finishing things quiite quickly.

i’m finishing it quick cause i have no life XD. I’m just bored alot and have been working on texturing the game non-stop. :stuck_out_tongue: taking some screens now.

I’m sure there are lots of blender users with no live. :wink: I want to see those screens.:slight_smile:

Yes, screens


Maybe he died? :rolleyes:

I don’t know if he died, but I am getting tired of viewing this tread and not seeing any screens
I don’t even know why I am wasting my time touching the reply button.

there ya go :smiley:

Next step a demo. :wink:

How about some game screens, those look like renders. You will also want to deal with that terrible texture stretching on your wall in the last pic. Also, I would recommend you either not tile your image as much, or get an image that has larger blocks. As it is, your stone wall, looks like a pebble wall, since the stone blocks appear tiny. It’s a common mistake to believe that the more you tile your texture, the better it’ll look because there will be more detail. This doesn’t work because it’ll make detail out of shapes that should be larger. It shouldn’t fit. An extreme example of this would be to have a face texture on a head model, and tile it a bunch of times to get more detail.This method doesn’t work. Don’t get me wrong, there are some textures that work if you tile them, it doesn’t really matter how many times they are tiled, but in general, you need to put more thought into your texturing.

I highly doubt this will result in a finished project. However here are some things you should work on before starting your next “game”.

  1. Learn to model.
  2. Learn to UV Map objects.
  3. Learn logic brick basics.

Not to sound mean or anything but this is almost spam… Please do yourself a favor and read some tutorials. Sorry if that sounded kinda harsh.

Well I’m not seeing what I was reading, or what you had typed up.
In other words i was expecting more…

  • you should add some kind of texture to the sowrd(anything)
    -for god sakes fix the lined wall you have in the last image. anything but the lines
    -Lastly for the gound texture I was thinking you add a green brown mix or something cause the Brown you have is conflicting with the wall.

-bottom line +++++++++++++++++++++++++++LEARN MORE ABOUT BLENDER++++++++++++++++++++

On second thought this Ball game your maken may be a little to easy for you,
I think you should have pushed the idea away, and just start on the real Death Cavern

To the comunity:
Ok, from my memory I told him, and he listened, to make a simple ball game. And it is simple. Probably his first attempt at the GE period. I dont want to stick of for this guy but what was your " very first attempt" at the game engine. Crap I tell you, crap. Mine was probably even crapier, But hey. He said he didn’t use blender for the GE in his earlier posts. And now I truely believe he hasn’t even used blender since before, maybe tuesday.

To Garet:
You know you should done what I said and not make the sword, because first off the ball doesnt roll. But even if the ball rolled then the sword would roll. And even if you made the sword not roll it wouldnt look right. So I’m not really for sure what you are going to do after this but when I said ball game ( and I know I said a ball version would be cool of death caverns, but I dont know what I was thinking) this is not exactly what I had in mind. You would of been better off taking a look at OTO’s armature tutorial and making your original plan. Sorry to turn your direction again, but I tought some simple stuff that will still come in handy in the real game. I AM NOT TURNING ON OUR WAR AGAIN JUST IN CASE YOU THOUGHT I WAS ANGRY. :wink: