Hey Guys, just working on a decal baking script that lets you write an image into a meshes textured image, so that LSCM distortion and seams arnt a problem as they would be if you tried to do the same in an image editor.
Heres a test, still have to support baking multiple decals at once, and onto multiple textures.
Of course UV layers would be nice for this, but for formats that dont support it this is still usefull.
– edited by administrator (Timothy), image broke layout so I turned it into an attachment
looks great… here’s an idea: why not go in reverse also? then you could take a ‘snapshot’ of a noticable seam, edit it (clone, rubber stamp, whatever…), then paste it back on? it’d be way easier that doing it by hand on a weird map…
reverse would be a heap easeir
Just finishing this script off and its working ok, though its a harder problem then I hoped.
There is a module Im working in - BPyRender.
Ill see if I can add a function to it that takes a right angle quad (4 vectors in 3d space)
And returns a ortho image from that.
Will also help for other tools…
yah, reverse would probably be just an ortho camera render set to the size of the decal…
thanks alot. this will definitely be one of my more-used scripts once it’s done… (i’m rather sloppy with seams:rolleyes: maby i sould just learn better.)
Update, same links as above,.
fixed error where different decal images would render seperatly,
Added a UI, where you can choose not to have the image rendered behind teh decals (good for overlays later in in the Gimp), options is to what faces to include in the projection.