
Adam, I’ll just paste here what I told you already in the email:

Please follow these instructions: Generally, for blender addons its adviced to always remove previous versions. Otherwise, when new files are added or renamed, there might occur conflicts.

 For instance, in 1.3c there no longer is a py folder in       templates.
  Also, you no longer open the template files and execute the script       in the text editor(I've just removed it now for the next version       in fact).
 All you do is launch the CREATE_decal.blend and hit the "run       script" button. I'll do a feature video about it tomorrow.

DECALcreation has its own readme in addons/DECALmachine/assets/create. Go over it please.

Thank you. My bad, I’m missed email because of spam filter… Sorry for bothering.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t get any options in the pie menu, functions like decal project etc. I can add decals, no problem there but as soon as I select somthing, the pie menu is incomplete. Is there any other addon that I should enable?
Please see the image for further explanation:

edit: woops, misunderstood

select the decal then shift select your object

Context is important. Select the decal than the object you want to project on. Then open the pie.

Similarly, select and object than another one to slice/kife.

Watch the feature videos people, all of this is demonstrated. Even better, go over the documenation.

Hi! I can’t get the add-on to work. I followed your instruction and still get the same error message. I even reinstalled Blender and deleted my previous preferences/add-ons. Every time I try to enable the add-on I get this message. Do you have any ideas?

Sys: Win 10

Thanks in advance

For 1.3d, I’m exposing some parameters for finer control over the parallax depths.

You can adjust the contrast in the height map as well as set the parallax value in the parallax node before you bake.
Increasing the contrast will increase the depth, while decreasing the parallax value will also increase the depth.

Also, you’ll be able to replace the last decal per category. This way you can do some repeat bakes, without accumulating failed decals.
You gotta be careful with this one, as you don’t want to accidentally overwrite a previous successful decal!

Oh yeah, also 64px decals, for those micro details (and to balance the pie, ha)

‘The HardOps Gun’ all decaled up.

Very Cool!!!

Sorry if was asked before.
Can i add custom panel decals with maps generated using other software ?
if yes > What would be the correct steps to do it ?

See the readme in DECALmachine/assets/create in regards batch decal creation.


Is Decalmachine supposed NOT to work w/latest Blender build?
Mine does not.

For me, DECALmachine work perfectly with:

  • Blender 2.78c
  • Blender 2.78.5

I did not notice any error …:eyebrowlift:

That’s not very helpful. Make sure to follow the installation instructions.

If it still fails, email me a screenshot of your terminal.

email me whatever mistake that is.


sorry for my bad English. . . There is no error :o:o

Sorry guys. My laziness. ))

Mail error report sent .

Error Report:
** WIN 7 X64 **
** only with latest versions of Blender 2.78.5 **

  • the “Material Cut” function does not execute correctly.
    - no error message in the system console.

       - the object to which a "Material Cut" is applied appears in the Outliner but is no longer displayed in the 3D view :
               - I checked, the object is not hidden (shortcut Alt + H). . .
       - shortcut F12 (Render image) does not work:
               - to render, you have to go through the menu Render > Render Image

I missed the shift-select part. Was not in the documentation, only in the video, and it’s not very clear because of the speed. Anyway, all is working great! Thank you for a superb addon!!