Deep space venture - CGBoost challenge

After a long travel our scientists reached their destination.

Worked on this about a week on the evenings.
Lots of arrays and image texture bashing to get the station done.
About 1.4million tris, procedural aurora shader (was fun to create from scratch again :slight_smile: )

Rendering in cycles, post processing in blender and gimp.

WIP thread with the progress here:



Nice. I cobbled together an entry but ran out of steam towards the end. I’ve submitted it, but don’t have the willpower to texture it properly. I keep forgetting to check these challenges nearer when they start rather than a few days before they finish. Am I right in thinking there’s usually about a week after one contest ends before the theme for the next one is announced?

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Cheers, yeah there is like a week downtime, before the next one is announced.
Pro tip: try to simply slap images on your assets, much quicker that way :wink:

Edit: made an animation :slight_smile:

Whoopsie, probably not possible to upload that as gif, follow the artstation link to see it:

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Beautiful work, mate :clap:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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I knew you’d do well, congrats on 2nd place, Lino!

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Thank you all, that was a fun one :slight_smile:
Super glad, that i managed to snag the second place, after the third try at the challenge finally a podium!