Delete sorry

nohting here is interesting, deleted, sorry

my sole advice

Start by being organized, if you wanna raise any interest.

as for example - i faintly remember, but won’t bother searching, exploring what you’re all about, again & again…

removed sorry for message.

removed for message sorry.

if you are using any part of blender code, you need to license as GPL. that means open source.

it would be nice to see images to see what this is you are talking about.

He can’t show you anything because according to this thread he first has to learn “stuff”.

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Best advice on this guy, don’t feed the troll.

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Didn’t want to be that obvious. But yes, I agree.

From time being there is no show some images cause i work hard by learning and coding. Once i have finished hope i will show you certainly :slight_smile:

What wrong by learning you think i can jump without learning this “stuff” ?

Ok, this is the last time I will say anything to this. And I will try to make this clear because I am not totally convinced, that you are a troll.

I. I am perfectly aware that you can’t jump over the learning step. I wish you all the best on your journey. Really!

II. You where absolutely reluctant to any advice in your first thread. Do you really think anybody will sponsor your learning path, just because you want to learn “stuff”?

III. You aren’t even able to tell us what it is that you want to learn. All we got is that you want to do “my two dev”[sic] based on other projects. Thats all we know. You want to know what we think of it.

Well, I’ll tell you:


Just because there is NOTHING you gave us to think about.

This is my last try in making a step towards you.

Here’s my advice to you:

  1. THINK about what your goals are.
  2. WRITE up a detailed list of this goals.
  3. READ what you’ve written.
  4. THINK if that is what you want to present to the rest of the world.
  5. WRITE down any changes your mind might has made up since your first writing.
  6. READ and THINK again if you are totally aware of what you are doing.
  7. READ and THINK once again! This time ask yourself if anybody else than you could possibly understand what you wrote.

8.CONSIDER to post something here on

  1. NOW STOP!
    Go to bed. Have nice dreams calm down and think about something else.

Good morning, welcome back. Let’s go on.

  1. REPEAT from step 3. Until your sleep is easy and calm and not haunted by dreams of BA-Users not answering you because of the nonsense you wrote. Now and only now proceed to STEP 11.

  2. Post here again and hope for the grace of any god you might believe in that you’ve done your job right.

… And your questions shall be answered and your future shall be bright…


m_squareGFX calm down ok… I have project and all work are step by step. Ok you are not convinced and i am not a troll so when there is a beginning is hard and there is nothing to show cause is wip so you will understand it, don’t need to say me useless as “you are learning omg, you don’t have proof” it needs to start something right ? . I say other people if can help me to fund to show some love for my project : learning+coding+fixing+adding+release in order not just learning because i make right myself and don’t think it is bad thing … i don’t know why people think learning is bad (focused only on that !!) but again it is not about learning at all. In other hand I think people can bright some idea for my project because someone want blender to sofimage but my idea is to bright two free software Blackdot and Vanilla and that is a problem however i care people what they say it. I you think you give me a lesson to read and think you are wrong i know what i want. You don’t read my post what i learn, i repeat i learn C++ and C, you panic too fast and you think nothing for me well is your right but i must say you don’t make effort to give me, i am pretty sure you have nice idea but no because i am learning whose you have mentionned and i find it very disgusting. Stop your tank with your advice ok.

I say nothing more while waiting for my project to be finished, i try to be nice for you, you don’t help me as beginner who want just to succed. I ask for everyone if they can help me and say constructively then not waste time judging me.

I hope it is more clear for you.

Have a nice day on Blender.

Like in french : Adieu.

You could start a daily video blog and tell what you worked on every day to sow confidence.

Nope. The one thing that becomes more clear is, that there is a massive language barrier between us.
Let all the defence about your learning aside and try to understand that we are willing to actually help you with your learning.
The thing is is you havent comunicated your goals to us. Nobody asked for proof. All you were asked for was a less arbitrary explanation of what you are trying to accomplish.
You may have a very clear a idea of what “Vanilla” and “Blackdot” should be in the end. But no one of us can look inside your head.
But hey, let’s switch sides for a moment.
What do you think about my project Xunil. I’m going to make something based of the Linux thingy. How think about? Good open source? Tell me.


i find it very disgusting

You are actually right I am disgusted by myself, that I really taken time to try to explain to you, what might be a better approach to accomplish something YOU care about. I am disgusted of myself, that I couldn’t resist my feelings about you might not beeing troll. I am disgusted about the time I put think about your “stuff”. And now I am embarrassingly disgusted about me answering again.

Edit 2: And now I am disgusted by the amount of failure in my grammar and spelling. Just because I was so distracted by my disgusting self.

Xunil sounds great. Support for Intel 3000 HD would be nice!

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Should put Patreon? think 3000 is overpowered. Cannot handle so much horsepower. Must sleep now. when moon is sleeping and sun reigns sky will make step 1 one time more. battery low now. sleep… sleeeep…

What if stead code code you only bark bark. Study source, take money, change unuverse. Vanilla , chocolate, even mint mint. Hey!!!

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“Wuf, wuf!” (“Feed me, feed me!”)

Is it a tragicomedy, a satire or an epic… only time will tell.