Desk-friends WIP (The movie is finished!!)

Nice work on the Ubuntu. I always wondered if I was the only one using it.

I’ve been out for a few days and when i return what do i see? Lots of new stuff! Little erases (those will surely be funny!!!) the stapler is great, and everything is working awesomely since the begining!

I’ll love to see that animation! It’s really a funny style you have!

Like I have said before, Excellent work. I have been staying through this all and love it. I have a question.
Are you running on Ubuntu? Since you put the ubuntu screenshot n all.

Very well done!
The detail is quite good.

@mtgg2000, I also use Ubuntu. :slight_smile:

Awesome as always.
Keed Updating.

Woah! lots of comments : )

Yep I’m running on Ubuntu, but I’m also running some on windows since I work at diffrent computers from time to time.

And thank you to the rest of you, your comments really keep me motivated to continue this hard journey : )

The comp chassi is about half done, only some deatails missing now. but here’s the progress so far.


The chassi is finished (pics below)

going to do the typing thing next.


Ok, still don’t know what it’s called in english but I’ve done some work on it. Right now I have to UV-map EVERY(!!!) button, and that thakes hell of a lot time :eek:.

Well here’s what I’ve done so far. (yep, glowing buttons : ))


It’s called a keyboard in English.
I like the details in your models.

Ah, yes! of course it’s called keyboard!

well, the keyboard (thanks coderdave : )) is done and here’s the pics. Those buttons took a hell of a lot time to do but it looks good.


And here’s the whole computer with all it’s pieces. And it all is just under 100,000 polys : )


Ok, right now I’m just gonna fill the whole desk with props until it looks good.

Stuff like:

A radio
Pencil cup
Hot chocolate (don’t know how I’ll make it, but it would look nice : ))
Printer, scanner (only maybe)
A flower
A goblet, for best blenderer or something :stuck_out_tongue: (maybe too)

Aaaaand AN EARTH GLOBE : )

which I’ve completed already and it only took about 1 hour to make so I’m kinda proud over the result : ) (it’s designed by myself)

pics below


More pics of the globe


Hey the globe design looks good! Keep it up, feed our need for moreeeeeeeeee! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Khell[PT] : )

I’ve finished the radio, quite fast since I’ve got a lot to do.

Donno what’s up next but we’ll se…

pics below


okey, instead of making a flower (i tried but I found it way too complicated), I’m gonna do a funnylooking cactus. It’s not going to be alive or anything, it’s just a plastic cactus that’s going to be in the background.

in other words: A VERY IMPORTANT CHARACTER :stuck_out_tongue:

pics below


Hi again, the cactus is finished and happy.

A cup of chocolate coming up : )


And it’s done : )

not a very detailed model but it works since it’ll only be in the background.

pics below


the cactus could use some lines to make it look like a cactus, at the moment it looks like an inflatable

Ninjitzue@ Yea, I know I tried that but it just ended up looking really ugly :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not a real cactus just so you know, it’s a plastic one so I thought that it wouldn’t make a big diffrence if I didn’t do the lines.