Destructive Extrude [BETA]

Any idea why I might be getting this error message?

This is running the version of your script I downloaded on Jan 7th and from a build of Blender from that morning. If I try to run the script on a simple box it works fine with no error, but I don’t know what it would be about this basic mesh that it doesn’t like. There are no other modifiers on the mesh.

Please send me a scene, I will check and try to solve the problem.

I sent you a DM with a link to a dropbox file. I did a Destructive Extrude on one section of it just so you could see the “broken” state. Message me if you need any more info. Thanks!

Hi. Is there a DE version working with Blender 2.8 Beta? I’ve tried both the gumroad and latest github but nothing appears. Am I missing something on 2.8? Thanks!


Thanks! :smile:

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Hi there , major props for starting to work on this tool @ 2.8 :slight_smile: I made the right-click select thread which blew up with interest… thanks to your awesome tool! Please keep on developing it since it is super useful and could really make Blender stand out from other software.

The current version does not seem to work for me @ Experimental Build (25-11-2019) but Ill test asap on regular 2.8 build.

Very short testing, but seems to work with 2.80 beta (release dated 2019.02.02)

i try to use DE, but doesn’t work.
i’m working on pro retina 2012.
i install it on ye latest releases Blender 2.8 of 29 jan. also in 4 dec 2018 but doesn’t work
please help me
thank you

O have just downloaded your addon and will test. :))

Your latest update doesn’t work on either 2.79b daily build or 2.79b stable build.
It completely fails.

I am now not interested in this script. I promise to correct, but I can not say when.

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It’s broken in 2.8 from today.

File "E:\Blender-28\scripts\addons\", line 412, in invoke CursorPosition(self,context)
File "E:\Blender-28\scripts\addons\", line 124, in CursorPosition
self.CursorLocation = context.scene.cursor_location
AttributeError: 'Scene' object has no attribute 'cursor_location'

Can someone else fix the script?

it’s cursor.location now.


Fantastic, thank you very much MACHIN3.
Works again perfectly.

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apart from this error, this piece of shit works for 2.8?

And even better than in 2.79.

tomorrow I will make fixed

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Many thanks Darcvizer!