Destructive Extrude [BETA]

Just created an account to say thanks for this addon, it’s definitely should be in blender starter pack tools.


Folks. FOLKS. The GPL conversation is happening elsewhere on this forum in multiple threads. It’s off-topic here. If you wish to discuss the Destructive Extrude add-on covered in this thread’s original post, you’re welcome to. Anything related to the GPL discussion belongs in one of the many other threads dedicated to that topic.


I also made valid points not related to GPL in my flagged post above, so I’ll restate them here.

One of the reasons I liked Destructive Extrude over the Extrude and Reshape tool of Snap Utilities is that you can extrude several faces at once. Snap Utilities only extrudes one face at a time. Having said that, Snap Utilities is probably the addon I use the most. The 2.80 version has added some great snapping tools which is really lacking from vanilla blender.

I’m not sure why stretch’s comment above was flagged and hidden either, so I’ll quote it. It is completely relevant to the discussion.

I would love for Destructive Extrude to return with full functionality to version 2.80 and beyond.


Which addon should I use in the latest build? The one from gumroad or the one fixed by theApe in thread 276?

for 2.8 Destructive Extrude [BETA]


Hello there. I made a github repo (hxxps://

Added (or I’m on it) some fixes and documentation.
Renamed to ‘ExtrudePull’ to avoid a file name collision.

please fix this. It’s very annoying

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@ capnm9 Yes, I would also be happy if you could fix it

Thank you for this addon. Great stuff!

This addon is awesome! It would be perfect if it could pull outward the face also! thanks a lot:)

hi i did a compolementary little addon quite usefull with it (but there is still some possible errors) and I noticed the destructive extrude would need a remove double at the end with a distance setting above 0.1 I did a little video there []

Question about this fork, it seems the pull often result in the mesh itself having a 0.999 scale, and the scaling is not relative to origin. So I can’t just set them back to 1.0 and fix the scaling issue (vertex positions are slightly offset from their original position).

Anything we can do about that? Is this an inherit problem of Destructive Pull addon? I see the underlying code is doing a boolean, is the slight scaling trying to make the boolean work?

self.ExtrudeObject.scale = Vector((1.001, 1.001, 1.001))

This addon is a piece of shit for 2.8.
I’ll fix it when BF improves Bmesh Intersect

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Yeah, you can see that on the screenshots. I’m currently going through the relevant Blender8 source code changes and evaluating a better way to do it. At the moment I’m looking at cases where it works or is broken, so I didn’t touched the @Darcvizer heuristic. It works surprisingly in many cases, so it’s definitely not a “piece of shit” :wink:

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it works well when you have a scale on a big object

hi, is this still working? hard to tell right version atm i think.
Is there a difference between this and push pull faces in mesh_edit_tools in release?
Tested a build from a few days back and had no luck so yep, here’s another version. :slight_smile: (15.2 KB)

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side note here also,
I think this would benefit from an operator panel after modal execution, I really would like to set the depth of the extrude.

This is very cool add on.Thank you.
I bought it with 10.0 USD.
but I have issue it does not work with 2.8 Blender!
How to fix this issue?

Check my post from May 8 for a version working with 2.8 :slight_smile:

edit: or better download from Capnm9´s github: as it contains further fixes


Thank you so much. Greatly appreciated :pray: