Developer Meeting Notes

2023-08-15 User Interface

Regular User Interface module meeting. Next meeting on August 29th, 2023.


  • Brecht Van Lommel
  • Dalai Felinto
  • Harley Acheson
  • Thomas Dinges
  • Pablo Vazquez

Changes since last meeting

  • Asset Shelf got merged.

Ongoing targets

Bug fixes

Design and patch review

Practical Info

This is a bi-weekly video meeting to plan and discuss development in the User Interface module in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on user interface topics in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.


I don’t know about that, the green underlined bit sure sounds like it didn’t exactly end with flowers…

Would be really nice to have the Eyedropper from outside Blender work.

Harley is obviously disappointed he couldn’t get the contract he wanted, but his relationship with Blender team is fine. He attended meeting today which seemed to focus on finalizing his contributions for 4.0. He’s still active on Blender chat


I committed that today…


Oh, so there was one. I didn’t know. :broken_heart:


Ufff, what a shame. He was doing amazing work for years, mostly for free I presume.
Understandable to decline a third probationary contract. Good luck finding someone with the same attention to detail about these UIX things and the long breath needed to push these things through.
BF failed to find someone to replace William Reynish and now with Harley gone, there is no one caring about Blenders UIX aspect. Probably for years to come.


When you look at the long list of updates that Harley dropped yesterday, it’s clear he has a passion and talent for UX. It feels like every time someone was sitting at their desk, shaking their head and rolling their eyes in annoyance, Harley got a mental notification.

It’s incredibly disappointing to read he will no longer be on the internal team.


While it’s understandable that BF resources are thinning down due to decrease in corporate finding, it’s still very difficult to swallow that @Harley isn’t getting a good offer to join the internal team.

His contribution was stellar! He made so many great UI improvements and QOL changes.

Thank you @Harley for doing a lot of maintenance work around UI/UX. It made my time spend in Blender so much less painful and more enjoyable.

People underestimate how much attention to detail and polishing smaller things adds up to improve the whole experience.


UI has always been Blender black sheep.


Thank you for everything you do @Harley :smiley:

Thank you all volunteers and paid devs!


Compared to other 3D UIs like zBrush, DAZ3d, 3D Coat, the Blender UI shines.


oh, I didn’t knew this. I thought that Harley is now part of the core team.

Ooo, nice, has always been annoying having to manually type or cut and paste hex codes, etc.

I mean, Harley should be the head of the UI team at this point…


Thank you, @Harley for everything you’ve done. I’ve only ever seen positive interactions with you here, and my personal interest in UI/UX really makes me appreciate a lot of your work. It 's sad to see that you didn’t get the contract you wanted.


If money is the problem, if they don’t have the money, they don’t have the money, no matter how great Harley was.

We should really try to figure out a way to fund raise better from the large user base.

What about an addon that tracks how much time you spent using Blender this month and then suggests an amount to donate and provides a link to the donate form?


Can we make that a separate thread, please? I’m also interested in it, but it really should be its own topic.


Indeed, I’ve been avoiding saying anything about getting back on-topic because obviously news like this is a fairly sensitive topic and I don’t want to start stirring the pot- however, this discussion about Harley doesn’t belong here, and further discussion does need to happen somewhere else :slight_smile:


Okay, first I should say sorry for the gossip that I have apparently stirred up in this thread. I should not have shared as much as I did in what was a private-ish side conversation in the Coders chat. I really didn’t think anyone would care to read that besides the person I was talking to. It should have been a DM.

Second, I am staying. So you can lower all the guns and put away the pitchforks. And no need for fundraising as I am just some retired old fart who doesn’t need anything anyway.

Third, I don’t really want to talk about this beyond this quick note that I am not going anywhere. It is off-topic to the thread and personal. Anyone is perfectly free to DM me any time about anything at all, but I won’t talk about employment matters or internal gossip.

Thanks for all the kind words though. They really warmed my heart. Although a bit like attending my own funeral and hearing my eulogy. LOL.


Can anyone shed some light on the change to where settings are saved.

%APPDATA%\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0
%APPDATA%\Roaming\Blender Authors\Blender\4.0

Why the change? Will it change back? I’ve got to keep an older 4.0 build that has all my settings in addition to the latest build dialy.

Why aren’t Library folder paths and quick favorites stored in a plain text file like the Bookmarks and Recent files? Having to manually setup quick favorites and library folder paths again is an annoying chore.