dig world problem

I don’t think that will be in my scope, have my own game to do also :D.

Cheap hack would be to make the whole word physical, otherwise you would have to change the world handler to accept multiple actors for it to be optimized.
Also this lod is a cheap solution, easier to read and grasp, i use one which is more advanced but maybe not so intuitive, so i can’t port my code here.
Eitherway, if you read the code it should be trivial to add.

#pseodo code - for illustration purposes 
chance = randint(0,100)
if chance<50: dirt
if chance>=50 and chance<90: gravel
if chance>=90 and chance<100: ore
if chance==100: diamond

Would distance constraint actuator work?I found distance constraint works.

Added multiple ore support and multiple inter-actor (NPC&PC) support.
( dirt 50% stone 30% crystal 20%; and two annoying followers )

Added comments to my 2 scripts.

If there are no major bugs I would call it a day.
Don’t think any other features to the demo will be added by me.


blockWorldEasyDemo2.blend (708 KB)

Thankyou very much vegetablejuicef.I like the bouncing the balls that follow the player around even if he falls down.

Here is what I did with your demo so far.w to go forwards.z to fire cannon.


blockWorldEasyDemo2.blend (2.88 MB)