Discourse updated to 2.9.0beta11 - new sidebar!

So why do you think talking off topic now will get you anywhere ?? Because then we also do not need a special GN topic but can talk all in one place … (like a chat but that was already discussed elsewehere)… i think this is somekind of contradictory… :shrug: because there is already…

And also: Software updates (especially security releases) have to be done from time to time…


Here’s my current Tampermonkey script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Blender Artists - Add Nav Menu
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  No need for the sidebar
// @author       You
// @match        https://blenderartists.org/*
// @grant        none
// @require      https://gist.github.com/raw/2625891/waitForKeyElements.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    waitForKeyElements('#quick-access-all-notifications', function(el) {
        let markup = $(`
#obs-common-links {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: right;

#obs-common-links a {
  color: var(--primary);
  font-size: var(--font-up-1);

#obs-common-links div {
  width: 50%;
<div id="obs-common-links">
  <div><a href="/latest">Latest</a></div>
  <div><a href="/unread">Unread</a></div>
  <div><a href="/latest?f=tracked&state=tracking">Tracked Tags</a></div>
  <div><a href="/latest?state=tracking">Tracked</a></div>


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Interesting… i’m somekind of on the warpath with userscripts because mostly after they do what i want then there are some changes which need days and weeks for me… so i just unnintall them whole scripting addon :sweat_smile:

I’m removing my knee-jerk inital reaction, it was immature of me and I should be better. I like this update now that I’ve spent some time with it

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Ohh… i and i thought / am happy about my problem of having too much notifications of followed members and replies in threads where solved now… (couldn’t see such a problem here) .

Ok apparently (I’m unsure but probably right), Adblocks block certain functions as well. Adblock for Chrome blocks everything, from clicking on buttons to scrolling, and “Adblock for You” (which doesn’t have a chrome store page anymore, I should remove it)
blocks popups such as buttons/links leading to other topics (it loads in the page without any content, black blank). Both blockers stay true to what they claim to do apparently since Adblock chrome “blocks all ads” and the other “blocks popups”. I used these for annoying ad-faced websites and BA and it worked fine before the update, and now it seems to be the cause of corruption.

Once you dismiss them, does it work correctly? And you can still filter them by the icons on the site + access them from the sidebar.

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To be fair, I like the sidebar, but seriously, notifications are remarkably broken. I think a lot of stuff is going to pile up in the moderation queue because there’s no way to tell how much is in there now. What used to be orange numbers is now blue numbers competing with notifications from 3 years ago.

@bartv dismissing works, but it’s weird having to dismiss all to clear one notification.

Here’s a better example of my complaint:

There’s currently one item in the review queue, which I would never know was there unless I clicked on something else. It used to be I could see that from anywhere on the site.

I’ll get used to this, it’s just quite jarring. It upends my entire BA workflow and I’m not great at dealing with abrupt new routines

Hmmm i’m clicking between all notifications, replies, likes and other notifications ( all separated :star_struck: ) and they get disabled after watched… (Linux debian, Vivaldi 5.5. … Desktop ) …

Edit: … on the right Avatar menu…

But now i see on the new left unread/new menu: clicking on the blue number new/unread just takes me to the categories (not the new or the unread ones…)


These things are entirely unrelated. And no, updating Discourse to something that it’s shipping with (and developed by another team) is much, much less work than creating and maintaining a new category.

I’m still firmly of the belief that we should not have categories for features, but instead for processes.

That said, we’re way overdue (like, years overdue) for reorganizing/consolidating the categories we have. I’d like to get the process rolling on that so we can definitely make it happen. I’ll start a staff discussion on what the shape of things will look like and see where everyone is at with respect to the amount of time they have available to aid in such a reorg.

This thread is probably not the best to continue that discussion, though. If you’d like, you’re welcome to send me a DM.


On the positive side, I like the new statuses- they have a very “phpBB” charm to them that should do well with the nostalgic crowd :wink: I also like how customizable the sidebar is- I wish it was even more customizable, that you could turn on and off different groups. But it is pretty cool.

Also, the sidebar and notifications work a lot better on desktop, I’m really enjoying both on desktop. They are not at all pleasant to use on mobile, but I can live with that

Hmm after greasemonkey (from years before) stylus, stilish (from month before) and now tampermonkey … i give up (maybe it’s because of Vivaldi ?? IDK… even if based on chrome… waitForKeyElements not defined)… i just use as given :wink:

Tampermonkey is a Chrome addon for running greasemonkey-like scripts. If you look at the top of the script, it’s loading waitForKeyElements from a github gist but you could follow that link and cut and paste the code into whatever you’re using. If you’re not using Tampermonkey, that’s probably your best bet since something else probably doesn’t understand the @ require comment syntax.

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Hmm installed tampermonkey but had to insert the required code… now works… i wait and see :wink:

Nice update, Bart, I like it! :+1:


It’s really great. I like the fact that not only the side bar is not taking space on the top, but also is always available on the side. That’s great with the widescreen format of my monitor which had always too much space on the sides, but not so much on the top.

I got a weird behavior with the notifications marking in blue lots of old notifications, but that’s ok.

EDIT: Yes, dismissing them solved the problem.


Yeah, the notifications seem like they’re still a work in progress. Overall, I like the update, and I’m confident the bugs will be ironed out in upcoming releases :slight_smile:


Yeah there are some things that take getting used to, and then some things that appear to be missing - like the green and red notifications for DM’s and moderation notifications. I’ll drop them a message about that.


This topic discusses the notifications:


Thanks for that link, I’ve added my two cents :slight_smile: