Discovery in ice

Study this time to practice more composition and lighting. I made a simple scene to practice more effectively.
Polygonal modeling.
Procedural textures.
Spot Light.
Render in Cycles.


Wow, it looks great! :blue_heart: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake:

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Can’t load the videos right now, but this is amazing.

Really, really cool!

Reminds me of that amazing Kraken piece: Kraken

Don’t know why :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

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ow! I’m glad my art reminded you of such an amazing piece!
Thank you very much! :slight_smile:


Love this piece! The lighting works perfectly and I like the sense of movement you gave to the blue kid, compared to the yellow one just standing in awe! (I did find the headless turnaround video a little creepy though :smiley: ) Great work.


Thank you very much! I’m glad you liked! :slight_smile: (the turnaround was really scary hahaha)

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Fantastic artwork! :laughing:
I like the details of lighting and material of objects


I’m glad you liked it! Thank you very much! :smiley:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks a lot, Bart! :slight_smile: